Failed to apply license for Aspose.Cells.C++

An exception was thrown when I applied the Aspose.Total for C++.lic license
Tool: VS 2022
Aspose.Cells.Cpp version 23.6.0
image.png (12.4 KB)
image.png (19.5 KB)


Thanks for the screenshots.

Could you please share the complete exception message in text. Either paste it here or copy into a .txt file and provide the file. This will help to evaluate your issue.

Here is the complete exception message in text:
Unhandled exception at c0x00007FF994704B59 (in AsposeCellCPPs2.exe) : Microsoft C++ exception: Aspose: : Cells: : Systems: : Exception, is located in the memory location 0 x000000078735f9e8 place.

This is my project, (657.0 KB)

Please try the following code to get the exception info.

#include <iostream>

int main()
	try {
		intrusive_ptr<Aspose::Cells::License> license = new License();
		license->SetLicense(new String("Aspose.Total for C++.lic"));
	catch (Exception& e)

It works. Thank you for your quick assistance. :100:

I’m glad your issue has been solved. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.