I am generating PDF using WorkbookDesigner.My requirement is i want to use smart marker within text and make that smart marker field as BOLD and UNDERLINE.
How can i use ASPOSE cell to concat both- text and smart marker
any case within &=DS.days of the date of this letter
Expected Output:-
any case within 30 Days of the date of this letter
Note :- 30 Days should bold and underline and remaining text same as it is
Sample code for PDF Generation:-
WorkbookDesigner w=new WorkbookDesigner();
Template template=dao.getTemplate(templateID);
InputStream inputStream=new ByteArrayInputStream(template.getTemplateData());
You can set the style when only creating a template file, and then import the data. Please see the attachment, which contains the source code, template files, and generated results.result.zip (58.5 KB)
You cannot just put Smart Marker in b/w text or phrase as Smart Markers has its own rule and grammar. For your needs, you may make use of Concatenate Excel formula and use it in dynamic smart marker(s). You may workaround to merge data. For example, in A1 cell, you may insert markers like “&=DS.days”. Now in B1 cell (for combined text), you may insert dynamic marker like “&=&=Concatenate(“any case within”, A{r}, “of the date of this letter”)”. You may hide the column A if you want.
To set specific text bold, you need to apply formatting using the relevant API after your markers are processed and data is filled into the cells, see the document with example code for your reference.
I have tried to apply Dynamic marker like &=&=Concatenate(“any case within”, A{r}, “of the date of this letter”) but it is not concatenating .I have tried to apply simple Concatenate but still is not working
Example :- &=&=Concatenate(“any case within-----”, “of the date of this letter”)
My requirement is .I want to apply everything in A Cell.
I want to apply on same row only .like row above
Excel Sheet like[Template1.xlsx]
30 .&=DS.days
31. &=&=Concatenate(“any case within”, A{-1}, “of the date of this letter”)
How can i achieve this scenario . Please help ASAP
Please follow my instructions above and then devise your scenario/case. If you still find the issue, could you please share template Excel file (containing smart markers), sample code (runnable) and output file for reference. Also, share your expected Excel file. We will check it soon.
Would you like to compress and package the template files and executable test code used and upload them here? If you have special instructions, please take a screenshot and highlight it. We will check it soon.
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