Failed to Make a License Object Using Aspose.PDF for C++


Thanks for your feedback. Yes, It works now.

I am also evaluating the PDF.cpp, how to avoid the following error, thanks in advance.
error.png (2.3 KB)


Please try to include the respective header file in order to use it i.e. PdfLicense.h

Thanks for your feedback.
When converting PDF to PS with the following code, I encountered the error “Cannot find resource ‘Aspose.Page.Resources.PSProlog.txt’.time = 1.341s” , How can I avoid it? Thanks in advance.
auto doc = MakeObject(templatePath);
auto saveOptions = MakeObject();

try {
doc->Save(outPath, saveOptions);

catch (Exception ex) {
	std::cerr << ex->get_Message();

Besides, can you provide a simple example code for converting PDF to PNG? I encountered an exception when using your website code Convert PDF to Images formats|Aspose.PDF for C++


Would you kindly share your sample PDF document for our reference? Also please share the error details that you are facing while converting PDF to PNG. We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.