Failed to send email when computer name contains special characters (C# .NET)


When using Aspose.Email in a computer with one of this characters in the name:
á; Á; é; É; í; Í; ó; Ó; ú; Ú; à; À; è; È; ì; Ì; ò; Ò; ù; Ù; ã; Ã; õ; Õ; â; Â; ê; Ê; ü; Ü; ç; Ç

The sent fails with this error:
System.OperationCanceledException: Operation has been canceled
em #=zBSHOscvY0s3BrtBTIXbeRytui8Ao.#=zvquEZCc=(IAsyncResult #=zqaahb5E=)
em #=zBSHOscvY0s3BrtBTIXbeRytui8Ao.#=zC_f511Y=()
em #=zZs7V35XybOMrAb$pqrCJJRkNWpigw5J4RsikX48=.#=zfKmO6Zw=(#=zM44EYfB5gaYNnOvlwzlQUr_p5nWHOHsSKQ== #=znSfhyjM=)
em #=z$3LU0zQG_2bppE2fVUDB3ny8k$qa.#=z5s2ZSbZ4QLYI(Int32 #=z7XR0JvQ=, #=zM44EYfB5gaYNnOvlwzlQUr_p5nWHOHsSKQ== #=zP2wAzi8=)
em #=zBSHOscvY0s3BrtBTIXbeRytui8Ao.#=zh4iMaezcJ81w()
em #=zBSHOscvY0s3BrtBTIXbeRytui8Ao.#=z0kBZOks=(AsyncCallback #=zklODATU=, Object #=zbRDXBwY=)
em Aspose.Email.Clients.Smtp.SmtpClient.BeginSend(IConnection connection, IEnumerable1 messages, EventHandler1 messageSentDelegate, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
em Aspose.Email.Clients.Smtp.SmtpClient.Send(IConnection connection, IEnumerable`1 messages)
em Aspose.Email.Clients.Smtp.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message)
em es.j(Object A_0, EventArgs A_1)

After removing the special caracter the emails are send without any problem.

Thank you,
João Pereira


Can you please specify what name do you mean, (local computer name, email address, or something else). Please provide us with a sample application along with log of issue and try to reproduce it with some public server (for instance gmail) and provide account to us.

You can try with any account (gmail, outlook, etc). The error occurs with a computer with a local name for example: “Formação” or “António” or “Avô”.

Can you provide us with some workaround?
Thank you,
João Pereira


We have added the information further in our issue with ID EMAILNET-39864 has been created in our issue tracking system and we will share feedback with you as soon as issue will be addressed.


I am facing similar error even though computer name does not contain any special characters. Please suggest solution. Thanks in advance.

System.OperationCanceledException: Operation has been canceled
at #=zBSHOscvY0s3BrtBTIXbeRytui8Ao.#=zvquEZCc=(IAsyncResult #=zqaahb5E=)
at #=zBSHOscvY0s3BrtBTIXbeRytui8Ao.#=zC_f511Y=()
at #=zZs7V35XybOMrAb$pqrCJJRkNWpigw5J4RsikX48=.#=zfKmO6Zw=(#=zM44EYfB5gaYNnOvlwzlQUr_p5nWHOHsSKQ== #=znSfhyjM=)
at #=z$3LU0zQG_2bppE2fVUDB3ny8k$qa.#=z5s2ZSbZ4QLYI(Int32 #=z7XR0JvQ=, #=zM44EYfB5gaYNnOvlwzlQUr_p5nWHOHsSKQ== #=zP2wAzi8=)
at #=zBSHOscvY0s3BrtBTIXbeRytui8Ao.#=zh4iMaezcJ81w()
at #=zBSHOscvY0s3BrtBTIXbeRytui8Ao.#=z0kBZOks=(AsyncCallback #=zklODATU=, Object #=zbRDXBwY=)
at Aspose.Email.Clients.Smtp.SmtpClient.BeginSend(IConnection connection, IEnumerable1 messages, EventHandler1 messageSentDelegate, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
at Aspose.Email.Clients.Smtp.SmtpClient.Send(IConnection connection, IEnumerable`1 messages)
at Aspose.Email.Clients.Smtp.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message)
