FBX export - incorrect model grouping exports

Aspose 3D for .NET
Version: 23.11.0


I’m having some issues when exporting a number of FBX files. Ultimately, after some processing, I would like to be able to export the imported FBX to either: OBJ, FBX or GLTF/GLB, depending on business logic factors.

As a test, all I am doing is importing the FBX, then exporting it without any processing. See images for before and after:

Original imported FBX:
image.jpg (58.4 KB)

FBX - FBX export seems to be fine.

Exported OBJ/GLB/GLTF (all have the same issue and look the same):
image.jpg (20.5 KB)

I have sent an email to support referencing this thread with the input files along with the different exported files.

It seems to be that the original FBX mesh grouping hierarchy isn’t being respected when exporting to different formats - possibly transform origins for each group are not being parsed correctly?

Thanks for your time,

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): THREEDNET-1454

We’ve also received your test files to reproduce this issue.

We’ve identified the root cause of this issue. The file was exported from Maya and appears to use an unsupported transformation formula. I’m actively working on incorporating support for Maya’s transformation formula to address this matter.

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Based on my analysis, the FBX files you provided contain an unsupported Maya transformation formula. I have now incorporated support for these formulas. Please use the latest hotfix version 23.11.1 available from NuGet to address this issue.

Brill thanks for the quick resolution @lex.chou

The issues you have found earlier (filed as THREEDNET-1454) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by lex.chou