Fbx exported skeleton nodes don't have transformation but have pose instead

I have a hierarchical collection of Bone of type BoneNodeViewModel which I can traverse to create a Skeleton structure of Nodes to export into fbx

the problem is the exported skeleton bones don’t have correct transformation but rather a pose
in Blender if i go into Edit mode for the Skeleton all bones would have identinty matrix as transformations so i would needs to go in pose mode>pose select Apply pose as rest pose
in order to set the bone transformations correctly
How to fix this ? so that the exported Skeleton has no pose ?
or what the correct way to create a Skeleton object ?
thank you .

 var scene = new Scene();
 var root = scene.RootNode;
 root.Name =
 var armatureNode = new Node();
 armatureNode.Name =
 bool addallNodes = false;
 IList<Bone> bones = new List<Bone>();
 foreach (var nodeViewModel in mySceneRoot.Children)
     if (nodeViewModel is BoneNodeViewModel boneNodeViewModel)
         if (boneNodeViewModel.Name == armatureNode.Name)
             if (boneNodeViewModel.Children != null && boneNodeViewModel.Children.Any())
                 foreach (var child in boneNodeViewModel.Children)
                     if (child is BoneNodeViewModel childBoneNodeViewModel)
                         var chBoneNode = CreateBoneNode(childBoneNodeViewModel, bones);
         if (!addallNodes && ( boneNodeViewModel.Bone.ParentIndex == -1 && boneNodeViewModel.Children.Count == 0/* && /*!mySceneViewModel.Meshes.Any(m => m.Name == boneNodeViewModel.Name)*/))

         var rootBoneNode = CreateBoneNode(boneNodeViewModel, bones);
 armatureNode.Transform.TransformMatrix = Matrix4.Identity;
  // armatureNode.Entity=skeleton;
 for (int mi = 0; mi < mySceneViewModel.Meshes.Count; mi++)
    var meshmodel = mySceneViewModel.Meshes[mi];
    var meshNode  = new Node();
    meshNode.Name = meshmodel.Name;
    meshNode.Transform.TransformMatrix = Matrix4.Identity;
    var mesh = CreateMesh( meshmodel, bones);
    meshNode.Material = CreateMaterial( meshmodel.Name);
    meshNode.Entity = mesh;

    private static Node CreateBoneNode(BoneNodeViewModel boneViewModel, IList<Bone> bones)
        var boneNode = new Node();
         boneNode.Name = boneViewModel.Name;
         var transform = boneViewModel.Bone.GetLocalTransformMatrix4();
         boneNode.Transform.TransformMatrix = transform;
        var boneSk = new Skeleton();
        boneSk.Name = boneViewModel.Name;
        boneSk.Type = SkeletonType.Bone;
            var bone = new Bone();
            bone.Name = boneViewModel.Name;
            bone.BoneTransform = transform;
            bone.Node = boneNode;
        boneNode.Entity = boneSk;
        foreach (var childNode in boneViewModel.Children)
            if (childNode is BoneNodeViewModel bvm)
                var childBoneNode = CreateBoneNode(bvm, bones);

        return boneNode;
    private static Mesh CreateMesh(MeshNodeViewModel meshmodel, IList<Bone> bones)
        var mesh = new Mesh(meshmodel.Name);
        List<int> indices = new(meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices.Count);
        SkinDeformer rDeformer = new SkinDeformer();
        for (var i = 0; i < indices.Count; i += 3)
            var triangle = new int[3]
                indices[i + 1],
                indices[i + 2]
        AsVector4[] normals = new AsVector4[meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices.Count];
        AsVector4[] tangents = new AsVector4[meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices.Count];
        AsVector4[] bitangents = new AsVector4[meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices.Count];
        List<AsVector4[]> uvs = new List<AsVector4[]>(meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices[0].UVs.Count);
        for (int i = 0; i < meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices[0].UVs.Count; i++)
            uvs.Add(new AsVector4[meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices.Count]);
        List<AsVector4[]> colors = new List<AsVector4[]>(meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices[0].Colors.Count);
        for (int i = 0; i < meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices[0].Colors.Count; i++)
            colors.Add(new AsVector4[meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices.Count]);
        for (int vi = 0; vi < meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices.Count; vi++)
            var vertex = meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices[vi];
            normals[vi]=(new AsVector4(vertex.Normal.ToAspose3(),vertex.NormalW));
            tangents[vi] = (vertex.Tangents[0].ToAspose4());
            bitangents[vi] = vertex.Bitangent.ToAspose4();

            for (var i = 0; i < vertex.UVs.Count; i++)
                AsVector4[] selectedUVArray = uvs[i];  
                selectedUVArray[vi] = new AsVector4(vertex.UVs[i].X, 1-vertex.UVs[i].Y, 0, 1);

            for (var i = 0; i < vertex.Colors.Count; i++)
                AsVector4[] selectedColorArray = colors[i];
                selectedColorArray[vi] = new AsVector4(vertex.Colors[i].R, vertex.Colors[i].G, vertex.Colors[i].B, vertex.Colors[i].A);

            for (int i = 0; i < vertex.BoneWeights.Length; i++)
                // Extract bone information from the vertex
                string boneName = vertex.VertexBones[i];
                float boneWeight = vertex.BoneWeights[i];
                Bone existingBone = rDeformer.Bones.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Name == boneName);
                if (existingBone == null)

                    existingBone = new Bone { Name = boneName };

                var sbone = bones.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Name == boneName);
                existingBone.Node= sbone.Node;
                existingBone.Transform = sbone.Transform;
                existingBone.SetWeight(vi, boneWeight);
        VertexElementNormal elementNormal = mesh.CreateElement(VertexElementType.Normal, MappingMode.ControlPoint, ReferenceMode.Direct) as VertexElementNormal;
        // Copy the data to the vertex element
        VertexElementTangent elementTangent = mesh.CreateElement(VertexElementType.Tangent, MappingMode.ControlPoint, ReferenceMode.Direct) as VertexElementTangent;
        // Copy the data to the vertex element 
        VertexElementBinormal elementBiTangent = mesh.CreateElement(VertexElementType.Binormal, MappingMode.ControlPoint, ReferenceMode.Direct) as VertexElementBinormal;
        // Copy the data to the vertex element 
        int UVindex = 0;
        foreach (var uv in uvs)
            VertexElementUV elementUV = mesh.CreateElementUV(TextureMapping.Diffuse, MappingMode.PolygonVertex, ReferenceMode.IndexToDirect);
            elementUV.Name =$"UVMap_{UVindex}";
        int Cindex = 0;
        foreach (var uv in colors)
            VertexElementVertexColor elementVertexColor = mesh.CreateElement(VertexElementType.VertexColor, MappingMode.ControlPoint, ReferenceMode.Direct) as VertexElementVertexColor;
            elementVertexColor.Name = $"ColorMap_{Cindex}";

        return mesh;

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): THREEDNET-1460

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

Can you please share your generated FBX file for us to investigate?

GeneratedFBX.zip (1.2 MB)

and also me entire FBX export class if needed
thank you for responding

public class FbxExport
    public static async Task ExportFbxAsync()
            var fbxPath = await GetFbxFilePathAsync();
            if (fbxPath == null)
                Logger.Log(0, "Export canceled.", "Export canceled");


            if (await ExportToFile(fbxPath, "fbx"))
                Logger.Log(0, $"Export successful. FilePath: {fbxPath}", "Export successful");


            StudioWindow.StudioView.IsBackgroundLoading = false;

        catch (Exception ex)
            Logger.Log(0, $"Fbx Export Failed: {ex.Message}", "Exporting Failed ");
            // Consider rethrowing the exception or handling it appropriately.

    private static async Task<string> GetFbxFilePathAsync()

        var saveFileDialog = !StudioWindow.IsWinDialog
            ? new MyFileViewDialog(DialogType.Save) { CallReason = CallReason.Fbx }
            : (dynamic)new SaveFileDialog();

        saveFileDialog.Title = "Save FBX File";
        saveFileDialog.Filter = "FBX files|*.fbx";
        saveFileDialog.FilterIndex = 0;
        saveFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true;
        saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory =
        saveFileDialog.SafeFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(StudioWindow.StudioView.MyFlverViewModel.myFlver.MyName) + "_Out.fbx";

        if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) return saveFileDialog.FileName;

        return null;
    public static async Task<bool> ExportToFile(string filePath, string formatId)
            return await Task.Run( () =>
                var scene = BuildScene();
                scene.Save(filePath, FileFormat.FBX7700Binary);
                return true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            Logger.Log(0, ex.Message, "Export failed", false);
            return false;

    private static Scene BuildScene()
        string sceneName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(StudioWindow.StudioView.MyFlverViewModel.myFlver.MyName);
        var mySceneViewModel = StudioWindow.StudioView.MyFlverViewModel;
        var mySceneRoot = StudioWindow.StudioView.MyFlverViewModel.RootNode;
        var scene = new Scene();
        var root = scene.RootNode;
        root.Name =
        var armatureNode = new Node();
        armatureNode.Name =
        bool addallNodes = false;
        Skeleton skeleton = new Skeleton();
        skeleton.Type = SkeletonType.Skeleton;
        IList<Bone> bones = new List<Bone>();
        foreach (var nodeViewModel in mySceneRoot.Children)
            if (nodeViewModel is BoneNodeViewModel boneNodeViewModel)
                if (boneNodeViewModel.Name == armatureNode.Name)
                    if (boneNodeViewModel.Children != null && boneNodeViewModel.Children.Any())
                        foreach (var child in boneNodeViewModel.Children)
                            if (child is BoneNodeViewModel childBoneNodeViewModel)
                                var chBoneNode = CreateBoneNode(childBoneNodeViewModel, bones);
                if (!addallNodes && ( boneNodeViewModel.Bone.ParentIndex == -1 && boneNodeViewModel.Children.Count == 0 && !mySceneViewModel.Meshes.Any(m => m.Name == boneNodeViewModel.Name)))

                var rootBoneNode = CreateBoneNode(boneNodeViewModel, bones);
        armatureNode.Transform.TransformMatrix = Matrix4.Identity;
        for (int mi = 0; mi < mySceneViewModel.Meshes.Count; mi++)
            var meshmodel = mySceneViewModel.Meshes[mi];
            var meshNode  = new Node();
            meshNode.Name = meshmodel.Name;
            meshNode.Transform.TransformMatrix = Matrix4.Identity;
            var mesh = CreateMesh( meshmodel, bones);
            meshNode.Material = CreateMaterial( meshmodel.Name);
            meshNode.Entity = mesh;

        return scene;
    private static Mesh CreateMesh(MeshNodeViewModel meshmodel, IList<Bone> bones)
        var mesh = new Mesh(meshmodel.Name);
        List<int> indices = new(meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices.Count);
        SkinDeformer rDeformer = new SkinDeformer();
        for (var i = 0; i < indices.Count; i += 3)
            var triangle = new int[3]
                indices[i + 1],
                indices[i + 2]
        AsVector4[] normals = new AsVector4[meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices.Count];
        AsVector4[] tangents = new AsVector4[meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices.Count];
        AsVector4[] bitangents = new AsVector4[meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices.Count];
        List<AsVector4[]> uvs = new List<AsVector4[]>(meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices[0].UVs.Count);
        for (int i = 0; i < meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices[0].UVs.Count; i++)
            uvs.Add(new AsVector4[meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices.Count]);
        List<AsVector4[]> colors = new List<AsVector4[]>(meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices[0].Colors.Count);
        for (int i = 0; i < meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices[0].Colors.Count; i++)
            colors.Add(new AsVector4[meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices.Count]);
        for (int vi = 0; vi < meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices.Count; vi++)
            var vertex = meshmodel.Mesh.Vertices[vi];
            normals[vi]=(new AsVector4(vertex.Normal.ToAspose3(),vertex.NormalW));
            tangents[vi] = (vertex.Tangents[0].ToAspose4());
            bitangents[vi] = vertex.Bitangent.ToAspose4();

            for (var i = 0; i < vertex.UVs.Count; i++)
                AsVector4[] selectedUVArray = uvs[i];  
                selectedUVArray[vi] = new AsVector4(vertex.UVs[i].X, 1-vertex.UVs[i].Y, 0, 1);

            for (var i = 0; i < vertex.Colors.Count; i++)
                AsVector4[] selectedColorArray = colors[i];
                selectedColorArray[vi] = new AsVector4(vertex.Colors[i].R, vertex.Colors[i].G, vertex.Colors[i].B, vertex.Colors[i].A);

            for (int i = 0; i < vertex.BoneWeights.Length; i++)
                // Extract bone information from the vertex
                string boneName = vertex.VertexBones[i];
                float boneWeight = vertex.BoneWeights[i];
                Bone existingBone = rDeformer.Bones.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Name == boneName);
                if (existingBone == null)

                    existingBone = new Bone { Name = boneName };

                var sbone = bones.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Name == boneName);
                existingBone.Node= sbone.Node;
                existingBone.Transform = sbone.Transform;
                existingBone.SetWeight(vi, boneWeight);
        VertexElementNormal elementNormal = mesh.CreateElement(VertexElementType.Normal, MappingMode.ControlPoint, ReferenceMode.Direct) as VertexElementNormal;
        // Copy the data to the vertex element
        VertexElementTangent elementTangent = mesh.CreateElement(VertexElementType.Tangent, MappingMode.ControlPoint, ReferenceMode.Direct) as VertexElementTangent;
        // Copy the data to the vertex element 
        VertexElementBinormal elementBiTangent = mesh.CreateElement(VertexElementType.Binormal, MappingMode.ControlPoint, ReferenceMode.Direct) as VertexElementBinormal;
        // Copy the data to the vertex element 
        int UVindex = 0;
        foreach (var uv in uvs)
            VertexElementUV elementUV = mesh.CreateElementUV(TextureMapping.Diffuse, MappingMode.PolygonVertex, ReferenceMode.IndexToDirect);
            elementUV.Name =$"UVMap_{UVindex}";
        int Cindex = 0;
        foreach (var uv in colors)
            VertexElementVertexColor elementVertexColor = mesh.CreateElement(VertexElementType.VertexColor, MappingMode.ControlPoint, ReferenceMode.Direct) as VertexElementVertexColor;
            elementVertexColor.Name = $"ColorMap_{Cindex}";

        return mesh;

    private static Material CreateMaterial(string materialmodel)
        var material = new LambertMaterial();
        material.Name = materialmodel;

        return material;
    private static Material CreateMaterial(MaterialViewModel materialmodel)
        var material = new PhongMaterial();
        material.Name = materialmodel.Material.Name;
        return material;
    private static Matrix4 GetDefaultMatrix()
        var rotationMatrix = Matrix4.RotateFromEuler(new Vector3(MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(-90),0,0));
        var scaleMatrix = Matrix4.Scale(1, 1, 1);

        return rotationMatrix * scaleMatrix;

    private static Node CreateBoneNode(BoneNodeViewModel boneViewModel, IList<Bone> bones )
        var boneNode = new Node();
         boneNode.Name = boneViewModel.Name;
         var transform = boneViewModel.Bone.GetLocalTransformMatrix4();
         boneNode.Transform.TransformMatrix = transform;
        var boneSk = new Skeleton();
        boneSk.Name = boneViewModel.Name;
        boneSk.Type = SkeletonType.Bone;
            var bone = new Bone();
            bone.Name = boneViewModel.Name;
            bone.BoneTransform = transform;
            bone.Node = boneNode;
        boneNode.Entity = boneSk;
        foreach (var childNode in boneViewModel.Children)
            if (childNode is BoneNodeViewModel bvm)
                var childBoneNode = CreateBoneNode(bvm, bones);

        return boneNode;


The latest version 23.12 has addressed some animation-related issues based on your bug report. However, I’m uncertain if this has completely resolved your problem as I don’t have access to your specific code/data to replicate the issue. To mitigate this, I’ve resolved it by adapting a sample code from the FBX SDK and compared the generated FBX file. You might want to try using the latest version to check if it resolves your issue, or you can review the sample code provided in the uploaded file for further reference.

The ExportScene01.py was from Autodesk FBX Python SDK, and ExportScene01.cs is a C# version with Aspose.3D, you can get the sample code files from ExportScene01.zip (7.9 KB)