Feasibility of using Aspose.Excel template file over web


I’m implementing an asp.net page where a user clicks a button and an excel type report is generated using Aspose.Excel. I have a template excel file i’m using with Smart markers to fill in the template.
1. I was wondering if multiple users log on simultaneously and each of them generate a report will I run into problems where the template excel file gets locked? I have had bad experiences opening excel using other technologies and after the program exits the Excel.exe is still running in the background as can be seen in the task manager. Then again, Excel was installed on those systems and the web server I’m using now does not have Excel or Office on it.
2. Will a multiple user web site scenario (where I use Aspose.Excel to open the template file and fill it in using Smart Markers) significantly impact performance? I may have as many as 500 report generations in 1 hour. The template file is no larger than 40KB.


Hi Fred,

1. I think you won’t meet problems. Many of our users use Aspose.Excel in this way.

2. No. Generating 500 reports in 1 hour with less than 40KB template files is not a problem.