Feature request:Adobe Flash insert into word support in Aspose.word

i need to insert some flash chart (one .swf file and one .xml data file) into a word document, it seems like that the Aspose.word have a Class named OleFormat, and it can read the inserted swf ole object,but i can not modify or create one.
in word we can insert a flash chart by useing the ShockwaveFlash ole componenet by setting the “Movie” property to “AnyChart.swf?XMLFile=Sample_1.xml” for example, how ever Aspose.word can not modify the “Movie” property through OleFormat object, i don’t know how dificult it is to support such feature, i wish you can conside to solve this problem,
the attachement is the swf file and it’s xml data source, hope this helps, thank you!


Thanks for your request. Inserting new OLE objects into Word documents and updating existing OLE objects is not supported at the moment. Inserting an OLE object usually requires the host application and probably cannot be done by Aspose.Words.
What is supported is preserving OLE objects in documents. That is if you open an MS Word document and then save it (possibly in another MS Word format) then OLE objects are preserved. You can also access objects programmatically, extract their data and preview image. However, creating new OLE objects is not supported.
Best regards,

Thanks for your repley, i still strongly sujuest your teams to add such features in nearly versions. we are useing aspose.Word to make dynamic word reports, which contains many flash charts, when the reports be caculated, the flash chart data xml will need to be change too.So if Aspose.Word can change some of the Ole settings, like the Flash Ole’s Movie settings,it will meet ours needs.
as the flash charts is useing more and more widely, add such feautrue will help Aspose.word be more excelent, so why not talk with your develop team leader about this,and notify me any progress, thank you

Thanks for your request. I added your request into my monthly report, this will push the issue up in the priority list. We will let you know once there is any progress with it.
Embedding files into MS Word document is very complex task because embedded files are stored in special format inside documents. And this format is very poorly documented.
Best regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-1206) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.

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