Features in Aspose.CAD and possible roadmap for additions?

We have various CAD integrations and I have looked at the new Aspose.CAD offering but can’t seem to find if it has these features that we deem as “must haves” before we could look at this as a viable alternative. Could you review them and let me know if I am missing something or if they are on your roadmap?

1) Determine the external references for a dwg and their filepaths

2) Convert a dwg to pdf with included external references (including pdf references)

3) Convert dgn’s to pdf

4) Retrieve block attribute values from within a dwg and its external references

5) Convert to 3D pdf

Thank you for your time and attention

Ben Manti

Hi Ben,

Thank you for your inquiry.

This is to update you that Aspose.CAD is a new addition so development is in progress. We are already working on so some of your desired features. For other features, appropriate tickets have been created into our system. Our product team will look into it. We will update you about progress via this forum thread.

Details of tickets that have been created and attached to this post are given below:

  • CADNET-110: Determine the external references for a DWG
  • CADNET-16: Support for DGN file format for possible conversion to PDF
  • CADNET-111: Support to retrieve block attribute values along with external references from DWG
  • CADNET-18: Support for 3D objects while rendering DWG to PDF format

Furthermore it will be more helpful if you could share some sample DWG and DGN files with us.

Hi Ben,

We need more information about the requirement of Determine the external references for a DWG. Please provide more details about the external references.

What type of references it would be?
Will it refer to some other DWG file or an image on the disk or anything else?

Looking forward for your feedback.

Hi Ikram,

I work with Ben and can provide the details for you.

When we convert drawings to PDF we would like the rendering to contain all of the possible external references to be visible. This includes additional DWG, DGN, DWF, PDF, IMG, TIFF, JPG, and PNG to start. Point Cloud and DXE would be nice be we currently are not looking at those.

For us the external references are not stored in the original location on disk. We want to determine from the DWG database of the root drawing what external references it expects and where it expects to find them so that we can write them out and make the conversion process possible.

Let me know if I can be of any further assistance,

Thank you for your feedback.

The information that you shared has been forward to our product team. They will further look into it. we will update you with the progress via this forum thread.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CADNET-111;CADNET-16) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by Aspose Notifier.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CADNET-110) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by Aspose Notifier.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CADNET-18) have been fixed in this update.