Field creation

Good evening. I'm trying to create a field from C#. Aspose allows writing a reading tasks, but I haven't come across anything that would allow me to create fields from code.

Let me know if this is possible. I'm in the rears on a project and will spending the rest of the night trying to finish.



Can you please explain what exactly do you mean by "create fields"? Do you mean about custom fields containing specific information about tasks / resources / assignments?

Yes, exactly. The project is to read the information from incoming data. The column names of the incoming data would become the fields inside the project. I want to create the project from scratch instead of pre-forming the MS Project document.

Ideally, I'd get the name of the data column and that name would correspond to a field in the MSProject table. Is it possible to do this with the Aspose tool?


This is not currently possible. However, an issue has been created with issue id 11301 for this feature. Our development team will investigate the possiblility of this featue and you will be informed as soon as it is available.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.