Field Rect.LLY returns negative values on 8.5 x 14

Drawing a watermark over a field works just fine on 8.5 x 11, but doesn’t on any other paper size.

In the attached example change the file to Sample1.pdf to see it work, then Sample2.pdf to see the problem. (7.3 KB)

We are looking into it and will be sharing our feedback with you shortly.

In the Sample2 document, the Rect annotation has a value corresponding to LLY less than zero.
LLY.png (31.9 KB)

It seems that on legal size page, the lower left is not 0, 0?
Also, the co-ordinates returned from the field position cannot be used to draw the stamp due to the negative number? How should one convert that?


I don’t understand the question, could you please formulate it in more detail?

The most correct thing, of course, is to understand the reason for the formation of such values ​​in the pdf document. Or do you not have such an opportunity?

Basically I need to draw a rectangle over a form field. This works on 8.5x11 but does not on legal as the fields Rect position returns a negative value for LLY when lower on the page. How do I draw a rectangle over a field that will work on any page size?

I attempted to show this in the sample code, it can clearly be seen when switching between Sample1.pdf and Sample2.pdf in the code, line 15.

This has nothing to do with page size, the other document (originally the document itself) simply has an incorrect LLY value.
I’ll think about it and maybe I can advise you something.

Definitely a defect in the fields Rect value, managed to get it working on any paper size and orientation, here is the code that calculates the offset:

double xOffset = (pdfDocument.Pages[f.PageIndex].Rect.Width - 8.5 * 72.0) / 2;
double yOffset = (pdfDocument.Pages[f.PageIndex].Rect.Height - 11 * 72.0) / 2;

Full working example, needs a PDF with field named WATERMARK_AMENDMENT and draws a diagonal watermark over the field.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using Aspose.Pdf;
using Aspose.Pdf.Facades;
using Aspose.Pdf.Forms;
using Aspose.Pdf.Text;

namespace Stamp
   internal class Program
      static void Main(string[] args)
         const string exportedPdf = "Sample1_out.pdf";
         if (File.Exists(exportedPdf))
         // Open document
         Document pdfDocument = new Document("Sample2.pdf");

         // Get a field
         Field f = pdfDocument.Form["WATERMARK_AMENDMENT"] as Field;
         //f.Value = $"{f.Rect.LLX}, {f.Rect.LLY}, {f.Width}, {f.Height}";

         double xOffset = (pdfDocument.Pages[f.PageIndex].Rect.Width - 8.5 * 72.0) / 2;
         double yOffset = (pdfDocument.Pages[f.PageIndex].Rect.Height - 11 * 72.0) / 2;

         string watermark = "This is a sample text message.";

         FormattedText text = new FormattedText(watermark);
         TextStamp stamp = new TextStamp(text)
            Opacity = 0.8,
            XIndent = f.Rect.LLX + xOffset,
            YIndent = f.Rect.LLY + yOffset,
            Width = f.Rect.Width,
            Height = f.Rect.Height,
            Scale = false,
            Background = false,
            TextState =
               Font = FontRepository.FindFont("Helvetica", FontStyles.Bold, true),
               FontSize = 20,
               ForegroundColor = Color.Red

         // auto size font if it's too large to fit
         var wd = stamp.TextState.MeasureString(watermark);
         while (wd > stamp.Width)
            wd = stamp.TextState.MeasureString(watermark);

         double h = stamp.Height;
         double w = stamp.Width;
         double angle = Math.Atan2(h, w);
         double stringWidth = stamp.TextState.MeasureString(watermark);
         double diagonalLength = (float)Math.Sqrt(w * w + h * h);
         double x = (diagonalLength - stringWidth) / 2;
         //double y = (stamp.TextState.FontSize * 3) / 4; // Aspose has not way to measure string height

         float dx = (float)(Math.Cos(angle) * x);
         float dy = (float)(Math.Sin(angle) * x);

         stamp.RotateAngle = angle * (180.0 / Math.PI);
         stamp.XIndent += dx;
         stamp.YIndent += dy - stamp.TextState.FontSize / 2;


         // Save updated document


Thank you for writing us your solution.
I was thinking about using Page.MediaRect to control the validity of the rectangle values. But I couldn’t figure out how to not only control it, but also fix it.