File management module

I need to create a module for c# web forms project. I am dealing with recruiter documents, pdf, word docs and jpgs and png. All files are blobs in database. I would like to see file that the applicant has uploaded or we generated and be able to review the file. I have to panels, I can list the files, but having issues with previewing the files. Do I need to get another Aspose product to complete my task?

@mclinton Am I understand correctly that you need to generate a thumbnail image of the first page of the file for the preview? For the Microsoft Word and PDF documents you could use Aspose.Words for the task. Please see the Convert a Document to an Image article.

I don’t need a thumb nail, I just want a list of files names from the database and then be able to click on the file name and see the word, pdf, jpg and png on the same page in another panel.

Something like this. but I would the preview to the side, not on the bottom.

@mclinton Aspose.Words itself does not provide any UI controls for viewing or editing document. However you can use Aspose.Words to convert your document to viewable format, for example image or HTML. For example, consider using this Aspose.Words Viewer Demo to achieve what you need. You can find sources of this demo on our GitHub.

Here is what I got so far. Do you have a control that will convert a multipage pdf to one image, like a bmp?
image.png (77.4 KB)

@mclinton You can put the resulting images into one image using System.Drawing or SkiaSharp. For example you can consider using code like provided here:
Example shows how to create one image with thumbnails of all pages.