FileGDB does not allow geometries of different types into same layer

I’m trying to convert GPX to GDB.But I’m getting “FileGDB does not allow geometries of different types into same layer.”

Is there any way to separate the different geometry types in different layers?

Example file: (55.1 KB)

Hi, @nielsbosma

Thank you for your interest in the Aspose.GIS product.

We have created a ticket GISNET-1383 to implement the feature. We will notify you here as we will have progress with it.


The issue is still there. Has this been released?

Sorry. Issue is not completed. I increased the task priority.

A new version of the library has been released. Consider the following work approach. As a result, you will get several layers. Each layer can be saved in GDB format.

       using (var layer = VectorLayer.Open(sourcePath, Drivers.Gpx))
             var layers = layer.SplitTo();


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