FillImageField function

I have Aspose.Pdf.Kit.lic and I am using Aspose.Pdf.Kit.dll. I used FIllImageField function to bind an image in dynamic PDF but this function is not working. I have attached a sample code.

Dim oPDF As Aspose.Pdf.Kit.Form = New Aspose.Pdf.Kit.Form(sPDFPath, outStream)
sSignatureImageURL = sSignatureImageURL.Replace(“reseller”, “”)
If File.Exists(sSignatureImageURL) Then
Using inputImageStream As Stream = New FileStream(sSignatureImageURL, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
oPDF.FillImageField(“signofemployee”, New FileStream(sSignatureImageURL, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
End Using
End If

Thanks in Advance


We are afraid that you are using an outdated and discontinued version of the API. A lot of changes have been made to the API since then. Please use the latest version as always recommended in order to add signature image in PDF documents. You can take help from the below code example that uses SignatureAppearance to set the signature image: