I would like to remove some pivot items from PivotFieldType.Row. How do I access the items? I've check the past posts that there is PivotItems. But I can't seems to find this under the latest evaluation of version 4.3
I would like to remove some pivot items from PivotFieldType.Row. How do I access the items? I've check the past posts that there is PivotItems. But I can't seems to find this under the latest evaluation of version 4.3
Please use PivotField.HideItem(int index,bool isHidden) method.
Thanks for replying.
I wouldn't know the index of the item. Is it possible to pass in the string instead of the index position?
We will look into this and support it soon. Thanks for your patience.
Please try this fix. Please call PivotField.HideItem(string itemValue, bool isHidden) method.
Thanks Warren, I'll try this! Thanks v much!