Final file missing when converting html to excel using On Premise (Docker approach)

Original Discussion: Link

Problem :

I am making below axios call for on Premise approach:

let data = new FormData();
        let randomStr = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 8);
        let outputFileName=`output-${randomStr}.xlsx`;
        let outputDatafolder = 'htmlToExcelFilesData';
        let outputFilePath = outputDatafolder + '/' + outputFileName;
        data.append('file', htmlStream);
        let accessToken = await getAsposeAccessToken();
let configuration = {
            method: 'put',
            url: config.getConfig('ASPOSE_BASE_URL') + '/v3.0/cells/convert?format=XLSX&outPath=' + outputFilePath + '&checkExcelRestriction=true&streamFormat=html',
            headers: {
                'accept': 'multipart/form-data',
                'authorization': 'Bearer '+ accessToken,
                'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
                'x-aspose-client': 'Containerize.Swagger',
            data: data

I am getting below successful response:

  FileInfo: {
    Name: 'output-09ov32.xlsx',
    Size: 9255,
    Folder: 'htmlToExcelFilesData'
  Code: 200,
  Status: 'OK'

But I am not able to find converted file in my azure storage account file share. I am not able to find it in my mounted folder in pod as well.

Please also note that I am already using aspose on Premise for conversion of excel to pdf and was getting converted files in azure file share. So ideally, this converted file should also be present in that file share right?

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