Find PDF File Size based on Page Number

I have a 50MB file of 2500 pages which I want to split into multiple files. Size of each part must not be greater than 8MB. How can I achieve this?


Aspose.PDF does not provide any direct functionality to check the file size. However, you can achieve it using C# classes as a workaround. Please check below code snippet and we hope it will help:

Document destinationPdfDocument = new Document();
Document sourcePdfDocument = new Document();

var filesFromDirectory = Directory.GetFiles(dataDir, "*.pdf");

for (int i = 0; i < filesFromDirectory.Count(); i++)
    if (i == 0)
        destinationPdfDocument = new Document(filesFromDirectory[i]);
        // Open second document
        sourcePdfDocument = new Document(filesFromDirectory[i]);
        // Add pages of second document to the first
        //** I need to check size of destinationPdfDocument over here to limit the size of resultant PDF**
        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
        long filesize = ms.Length;
        // Compare the filesize with MBs
        if (i == filesFromDirectory.Count() - 1)
            destinationPdfDocument.Save(dataDir + "PDFOutput_" + i + ".pdf");
        else if ((filesize / (1024 * 1024)) < 1) // Check if PDF is less than 1MB
            destinationPdfDocument.Save(dataDir + "PDFOutput_" + i.ToString() + ".pdf");
            destinationPdfDocument = new Document();
// Encrypt PDF
destinationPdfDocument.Encrypt("userP", "ownerP", 0, CryptoAlgorithm.AESx128);
// Save concatenated output file
destinationPdfDocument.Save(dataDir + "CombinedPDF.pdf");

I was working with Aspose Java and did try to use the same logic in Java but it deosn’t seem to work for me.


Would you please consider sharing the code that you wrote in Java with same logic?