I have a document. It contains Form fields(Text Box, Check box, etc) and Fill in fields. I have to find out what are all the fields avialable in the doc.
Thanking you.
Thank you for your inquiry.
You can select all the nodes of particular type using XPath expressions:
private static void FindAllFormFields()
// Load the document
Document doc = new Document("source.doc");
// Select all nodes of type FormField in this document
NodeList formFields = doc.SelectNodes("//FormField");
// Traverse the list
foreach(FormField ff in formFields)
// Do something with them all...
// ...
Here are only form fields in the sample. What objects do you mean under fill-in fields?
Thanks for your reply. Fill- in Fields comes under insert menu/Field.
In categories select mail Merge. In Field Names fill-in field is available.It is like Fill in blanks.
If we place this field in a form how can we loop thro all these fields?
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Soloman solomon_philip@yahoo.com
Thank you for explanation. I should kill my brake…
You can find and manipulate with Fill-In fields this way:
private static void FindSomeFields()
// Load the document
Document doc = new Document("source.doc");
// Select all nodes of type FormField in this document
NodeList fieldStarts = doc.SelectNodes("//FieldStart");
// Traverse the list
foreach(FieldStart start in fieldStarts)
if (start.FieldType == FieldType.FieldFillIn)
// We found the start node of a Fill-In field.
// Do something...
// ...
If you are just collecting their names then that’s enough.
Have a nice day,