FindReplaceDirection.Backward not working on complex documents

I want to do an Regex-Search in a document by using a IReplacingCallback in backward direction. Usually it works fine, but a specific document leads to arbitrary search order.

So I provided a testcase using two documents. The first document is the complex one delivering arbitrary order. The second one ist just a Copy/Paste-As-Ascii of the first document. The ordering is fine.

using Aspose.Words;
using Aspose.Words.Replacing;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Generator.Tests
/// Searching a string in two documents (direction backward)
/// Document FindTest1.docx is using a lot of tables. The search-string is found in arbitrary ordering (=> bug??)
/// Document FindTest2.docx ist a Copy/PasteAsAscii-Copy of the first document. The search-string is found in descending order
/// Compiled Using DotNetFramework 4.5.1
/// Using Aspose.Word Version, Runtime v4.0.30319
/// Assuming: Search-Direction does not work in table (complex) structures
public class AsposeGeneratorBugTest
public static void ClassInitialize(TestContext context)
const string licenseFile = “Aspose.Total.lic”;
new Aspose.Words.License().SetLicense(licenseFile);

/// For Document FindText1.docx
/// Searching all “CP_Bote” Strings in Document direction Backward
/// Expecting: Matching-Runs are found from back to front
public void FindTest1()
var doc = new Document(“d:\temp\FindTest1.docx”);
var replaceOptions = new FindReplaceOptions(FindReplaceDirection.Backward);
var evaluator = new RegexSkipEvaluator(); // just searching and collecting results
replaceOptions.ReplacingCallback = evaluator;

var nameRegex = new Regex(Regex.Escape(“CP_Bote”));
doc.Range.Replace(nameRegex, “”, replaceOptions);

// Find String
var result = evaluator.NodeResult.Select(n => n.PositionInDocument).ToList();

// Check that result ist sorted descending
var sortedResult = result.OrderByDescending(x => x).ToList();

/// For Document FindText2.docx
/// Searching all “CP_Bote” Strings in Document direction Backward
/// Expecting: Matching-Runs are found from back to front
public void FindTest2()
var doc = new Document(“d:\temp\FindTest2.docx”);
var replaceOptions = new FindReplaceOptions(FindReplaceDirection.Backward);
var evaluator = new RegexSkipEvaluator(); // just searching and collecting results
replaceOptions.ReplacingCallback = evaluator;

var nameRegex = new Regex(Regex.Escape(“CP_Bote”));
doc.Range.Replace(nameRegex, “”, replaceOptions);

// Find String
var result = evaluator.NodeResult.Select(n => n.PositionInDocument).ToList();

// Check that result ist sorted descending
var sortedResult = result.OrderByDescending(x => x).ToList();


/// Result Structure
public class SkipResult
public string Value { get; set; }
public Node MatchNode { get; set; }
public int PositionInDocument { get; set; }

/// Just collecting the Matches found by Regex
public class RegexSkipEvaluator : IReplacingCallback
public List NodeResult = new List();

public ReplaceAction Replacing(ReplacingArgs args)
var skipResult = new SkipResult
Value = args.Match.Value,
MatchNode = args.MatchNode,
PositionInDocument = args.MatchNode.Document.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Run, true)
return ReplaceAction.Skip;


Hi Helge,

Thanks for your inquiry. We have tested the scenario with Aspose.Words for .NET 17.4 and we are unable to notice the reported issue. Please download and try latest version of Aspose.Words for .NET, it will resolve the issue.

Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance.

Best Regards,


Solved in 17.4. (or somehow before).
