First Test apose OCR : api.reconize no response and crash in Find text in image

i’m test ocr for implementention in another project.

here is just a website project Framework 4.8. join image for test in this post.

i’ve install Aspose.OCR from nuget packets.

and i make 2 tests, one is just ocr an image (from your sample) and another is find text in image.

the first when it’s run api.reconize(…) is long time and wait, wait … no error, no pass to the next instruction

    Private Sub btnOcr_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnOcr.Click

        dim license  As License = new License()

        dim filtres As PreprocessingFilter = New PreprocessingFilter()

        dim pj As OcrInput = New OcrInput(InputType.SingleImage, filtres)

        dim fileName as string = "~/img/PJ175986.png"
        fileName = Server.MapPath(fileName)

        dim rawFile as byte() = IO.File.ReadAllBytes(fileName)
        dim stream As Io.Stream = new io.MemoryStream(rawFile)


        Dim settings As RecognitionSettings = New RecognitionSettings()
        settings.Language = Language.Fra
        'settings.DetectAreasMode =DetectAreasMode.CURVED_TEXT
        dim api as AsposeOcr = New AsposeOcr()
        Dim results As List(Of RecognitionResult) = api.Recognize(pj,settings)
        Dim text As String = results(0).GetSpellCheckCorrectedText(SpellCheckLanguage.Fra)

        timg1.Text = text

    End Sub

and i’ve make the other test, “find text” and i’ve got an error on api.ImageHasText :

System.TypeInitializationException : ‘Une exception a été levée par l’initialiseur de type pour ‘’.’
TypeInitializationException : Une exception a été levée par l’initialiseur de type pour ‘Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.NativeMethods’.
EntryPointNotFoundException : Impossible de trouver le point d’entrée ‘OrtGetApiBase’ dans la DLL ‘onnxruntime’.
Cette exception a été levée à l’origine dans cette pile des appels :
Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.NativeMethods.NativeMethods() dans NativeMethods.shared.cs

Private Sub btnSearch_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click

    dim license  As License = new License()

    dim api as AsposeOcr = New AsposeOcr()

    dim fileName as string = "D:\Dev\PJ175986.png"

    if api.ImageHasText(fileName,"long")
        Dim a =1
    End If

End Sub

AposeOCR version is the last, and ML.OnnxRuntime is 1.18.1 (last)

PJ175986.jpg (122,1 Ko)


Is it possible that you can share your sample project with us? You can create a .zip of the project and upload here after removing packages from it. We will restore the packages on our side and test the scenario accordingly.

Sample project send.

It’s a sample project for future possible implementation on our website ( and future/current implementation in Wpf application (C#,sql) because user can copy part of text and describe terrain, parcels implementation for construct zone of houses.

OCR.7z (3,6 Mo)


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Issue ID(s): OCRNET-873

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