"Fist name" instead of "First name" in the contact information

Converting contact to html has misspell in “First name” field name

aspose-email-21.6 used

FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("…\Aaron George.vcf");
MapiContact contact = MapiContact.fromVCard(in, Charset.forName(“UTF-8”));

ContactInfo info = new ContactInfo(contact);

Example contact attached Aaron George.zip (413 Bytes)

Corrupted result part:

Fist Name: Aaron


First Name: Aaron

Thank you for posting the query. Aspose.Email API does not contain the ContactInfo class. Also, the VCF file you provided does not contain the “First name” string. It looks like the issue is related to your application code. Please check it carefully.

Sorry this was my mistake. You are right, this problem is not related to Aspose.