Flatten a XFA form using Aspose.PDF for .NET/Java

Is there a way using aspose library (either java or .net) to flatten an XFA form?
This message was posted using Page2Forum from Product Information - Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET and Java

Dear Gugnani,

Thanks for considering our products.

You can always use Form.FlattenField() to flatten a specific field, or Form.FlattenAllFields() to flatten all fields. Both XfaForm and AcroForm are OK.

Best regards.

I have successfully flattened an XFA form by changing the Form.Type = Aspose.Pdf.Forms.FormType.Standard.
However, some field texts are not aligned correctly.
How can I get those aligned properly?notice_of_meeting_of_owners_en.pdf (1.2 MB)


Can you please share the generated output PDF that you obtained on your end by converting the form type? We will further proceed to assist you accordingly.