When extracting messages from ost/pst storage or loading directly to MapiMessage:
FollowUpOptions.VotingButtons returns:
Reply;Reply to All;Forward;Reply to Folder;Approve;Reject
Seems odd to me, it can only have: Approve;Reject
Is this known and expected?
htm.zip (41.2 KB)
Hello @australian.dev.nerds,
Aspose.Email parses the PidLidVerbStream property to get voting buttons.
If you look at this property raw data in any hex editor, you will see the following:
1.PNG (44.2 KB)
BTW, we have not faced such strange result before.
Thank you.
Thanks, used Outlook (I think 2021) to create it, just wanted to share and know your comments, Outlook behaves very different based on the server it connects to.