Font format error while converting from excel to pdf


Im converting an excel file to pdf format. This was working fine up until we came across a case where the font of the excel file was in “Arial”. It seems it does not like this font as I consistently get the error below.

Aspose.Cells.CellsException: at Ṻ.‫.⁹(String ࣭, FontStyle ọ, String Ո)\r\n at 㒹.䴘.䴬(㎰ ㋓)\r\n at 㒹.䴘.㋑(Int32 ㋎, Int32 ᨦ, Int32 ֺ, Int32 ֽ, Int32 ֻ, Int32 ־)\r\n at 㒹.䴘.㋐(Int32 ㋎, Int32 ֺ, Int32 ֽ, Int32 ֻ, Int32 ־)\r\n at 㒹.䴘.䴫(Int32 ㋎, Int32 ֺ, Int32 ֽ, Int32 ֻ, Int32 ־)\r\n at 㒹.䴘.䴩(㐀 ᨯ)\r\n at 㒹.䴘.䵇()\r\n at 㒹.䴘.䵈()\r\n at 㒹.䴘.Accept(╊ visitor)\r\n at ᪷.䷫.Render(╈ node)\r\n at 䉵.䳫.◁()\r\n at 䉵.䳫.״(Stream 䴃)\r\n at Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Save(String fileName, SaveOptions saveOptions)\r\n at Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Save(String fileName, SaveFormat saveFormat)\r\n

Excel file format : xlsx
Aspose version :

Thank you for the assitance.


Can you please download and try this latest fix Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.2.0.8 and provide us your feedback?

If the problem still persists, please provide us your sample excel file and the code that you are using to achieve the conversion, and we will look into the issue.



By the way, could you try to set CellsHelper.FontDir property to specify the fonts path, otherwise we may not get the font settings on some environment. Also try the version that Kashif Iqbal shared, if you still find the issue, we will need your template file and sample code, environment details etc.