Im converting an excel file to pdf format. This was working fine up until we came across a case where the font of the excel file was in “Arial”. It seems it does not like this font as I consistently get the error below.
Aspose.Cells.CellsException: at Ṻ..⁹(String ࣭, FontStyle ọ, String Ո)\r\n at 㒹.䴘.䴬(㎰ ㋓)\r\n at 㒹.䴘.㋑(Int32 ㋎, Int32 ᨦ, Int32 ֺ, Int32 ֽ, Int32 ֻ, Int32 ־)\r\n at 㒹.䴘.㋐(Int32 ㋎, Int32 ֺ, Int32 ֽ, Int32 ֻ, Int32 ־)\r\n at 㒹.䴘.䴫(Int32 ㋎, Int32 ֺ, Int32 ֽ, Int32 ֻ, Int32 ־)\r\n at 㒹.䴘.䴩(㐀 ᨯ)\r\n at 㒹.䴘.䵇()\r\n at 㒹.䴘.䵈()\r\n at 㒹.䴘.Accept(╊ visitor)\r\n at ᪷.䷫.Render(╈ node)\r\n at 䉵.䳫.◁()\r\n at 䉵.䳫.״(Stream 䴃)\r\n at Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Save(String fileName, SaveOptions saveOptions)\r\n at Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Save(String fileName, SaveFormat saveFormat)\r\n
Excel file format : xlsx
Aspose version :
Thank you for the assitance.