Font substitution regression with recent aspose-slides on linux


I am currently upgrading our code base to recent aspose jar
I have observed a regression between aspose-slides-15.1 and 17.4 (at least on linux machine)

My code is building a png from the pptx file

With new version with attached pptx, I only get squares for all the chars in this pptx, whereas I got regular japanese chars with 15.1

I tried to put a sustitution handler on both cases and log was not the same:
Font will be substituted from MS Pゴシック to {SansSerif}
Font will be substituted from MS Pゴシック to {ArialMS GothicGulimArial Unicode}
Font will be substituted from MS Gothic to {SansSerif}
Font will be substituted from Gulim to {SansSerif}
Font will be substituted from Arial Unicode to {SansSerif}
Font will be substituted from MS Pゴシック to {ArialMS GothicGulimArial Unicode}
Font will be substituted from MS Pゴシック to {ArialMS GothicGulimArial Unicode}
Font will be substituted from MS Pゴシック to {ArialMS GothicGulimArial Unicode}
Font will be substituted from MS Pゴシック to {ArialMS GothicGulimArial Unicode}
Font will be substituted from MS Pゴシック to {ArialMS GothicGulimArial Unicode}
Font will be substituted from MS Pゴシック to {SansSerif}
Font will be substituted from MS Pゴシック to {ArialMS GothicGulimArial Unicode}
Font will be substituted from MS Gothic to {SansSerif}
Font will be substituted from Gulim to {SansSerif}
Font will be substituted from Arial Unicode to {SansSerif}
Font will be substituted from Calibri to {SansSerif}
Font will be substituted from Calibri to {ArialMS GothicGulimArial Unicode}

17.4: no successive substitutions:
Font will be substituted from MS Pゴシック to {Arial,MS Gothic,Gulim,Arial Unicode}
Font will be substituted from MS Pゴシック to {Arial,MS Gothic,Gulim,Arial Unicode}
Font will be substituted from MS Pゴシック to {Arial,MS Gothic,Gulim,Arial Unicode}
Font will be substituted from Calibri to {Arial,MS Gothic,Gulim,Arial Unicode}

I tried to force the substitution to SansSerif by adding
LoadOptions lo = new LoadOptions(LoadFormat.Auto);
and also
This gives this, but still squares and no jap chars

Font will be substituted from MS Pゴシック to {SansSerif,Arial,MS Gothic,Gulim,Arial Unicode}
Font will be substituted from MS Pゴシック to {SansSerif,Arial,MS Gothic,Gulim,Arial Unicode}
Font will be substituted from MS Pゴシック to {SansSerif,Arial,MS Gothic,Gulim,Arial Unicode}
Font will be substituted from Calibri to {Arial,MS Gothic,Gulim,Arial Unicode}

Any idea why ?



Hi Sebastian,

I have observed your comments. Can you please try to use Aspose.Slides latest version 17.5 on your end. If there is still an issue than please share environment details, source code and font you are using on your end so that we may further investigate to help you out.

Best Regards,

I only see aspose-slides 17.4 in Download area, no 17.5

Hi Sebastian,

I have observed your comments. Can you please try to download latest version from this link. We also will try to fix this issue as well. Can you please share source code and fonts to reproduce issue.

Best Regards,

The pb is still the same with 17.5

Here is our code reproduction:
This code works fine when run with 15.1 but not with 17.5

package com.exalead.plugins.aspose;

import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.plaf.DimensionUIResource;

import com.aspose.slides.ISlide;
import com.aspose.slides.IWarningCallback;
import com.aspose.slides.IWarningInfo;
import com.aspose.slides.LoadFormat;
import com.aspose.slides.LoadOptions;
import com.aspose.slides.Presentation;
import com.aspose.slides.ReturnAction;

public class TestPpt {
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
final InputStream is = new FileInputStream(new File("/data/homes/richard/Downloads/pptxsamples/picture.pptx"));

LoadOptions lo = new LoadOptions(LoadFormat.Auto);
lo.setWarningCallback(new HandleFontsWarnings());
final Presentation pres = new Presentation(is, lo);

final ISlide slide = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0);
final Dimension size = new DimensionUIResource(800, 600);
final BufferedImage image = slide.getThumbnail(size);

final FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File("/data/homes/richard/tmp/picture.pptx.png"));
ImageIO.write(image, “png”, out);


private static class HandleFontsWarnings implements IWarningCallback {

public int warning(IWarningInfo warning)
System.out.println(warning.getDescription()); // “Font will be substituted from X to Y”
return ReturnAction.Continue;



List of fonts:

find /usr/share/fonts/truetype/

The problem appears between aspose-slides 16.7 and 16.8
cf attached files

Hi Sebastian,

I have worked with presentation file shared by you using Aspose.Slides for Java 17.5 and have been able to observe the issue. A ticket with ID SLIDESJAVA-36439 has been created in our issue tracking system to further investigate issue in detail. This thread has been linked with issue so that you may be automatically notified once issue will be fixed.

We are sorry for your inconvenience,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESJAVA-36439) have been fixed in this update.