Font Tag is not working correctly


We are using Aspose.pdf When we try to assign a HTML string to a Paragraph, the Text is not coming as its coming in the IE browser. Here is our code.

string str = " This is test message "

Cell cell = pdfRow.Celles.Add(str);


When we generate the pdf, the test message is coming very small in the pdf but in the browser its coming correctly. we guess the font size property is not working correctly.

Please advice us what to do in this asap.


Karthik Kumar

Verizon Data Services India.


I have tested this and found that the font size is working. The problem is that the size is specified in "points" which is dependent on the targets resolution. If you set your font size to a higer value you will see that it is indeed working. There will always be a difference in the size of font displayed in browser and the pdf because of the difference in their resolutions.
