Fonts in PDf

Hi Aspose Team,

I’m still trying some things with the evaluation version. For upcoming projects I need the PDF conversion feature. At the moment, the fonts are not converted as desired, I always get ArialMT as the only font in the PDF document.

Is this a limitation of the evaluation version? This is important to know for me, since my company will be bound to terms of CI for generated output.

Thanks for your quick answer!


Hello Jossif,

There is no such limitation with fonts but current version of PDF conversion have some problems.
We are developing new PDF export which will be available soon and everything will work fine after that.
Now the best workaround is create images of slides using Aspose.Slides and insert it to PDF
with any PDF creation library.

Hi alcrus,

thanks for your reply. Can you estimate when the new export will be available?


First version should be available in this month.