Fonts of an XPS file produced from a PDF file have considerably different size and name


I am trying to convert a pdf file to xps doing like this:

var pdfDocument = new Document(inputFilePath);
var convertedFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(inputFilePath, “.xps”);
pdfDocument.Save(convertedFilePath, SaveFormat.Xps);

image.png (16.7 KB)

As you can see in the image attached the name of the font has 6 random characters and a + before the name of the font ( HKQNGQ+ Times New Roman). Is this intended ? Is this the format you export fonts so that we know how to work around this ?

Also I noticed that the font file (from the xps file produced with aspose) has: 59 KB vs 396 KB in the one produced by printing the pdf to xps.

image.png (3.3 KB) (148.1 KB)


Would you please share your sample PDF document along with generated XPS files at your end to compare? We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.