Form fields counts is getting as Zero

I am using Aspose pdf and trying to retrieve the form fields of file using below code :

List fieldsToSkip = PersonalDetailsFields();

// Load an existing PDF file in Document object to read
Document Apdf = new Document(generatedPath);

Dictionary<string, string> GeneratedFileFormFields = new Dictionary<string, string>();

foreach (Field formField in Apdf.Form.Fields)
GeneratedFileFormFields.Add(formField.FullName, formField.Value);
but Fields are getting as zero.

Can you please help me to solve this issue , as it is working for another file .


Can you please share your sample file with us so that we can test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

252443_ReviewTaxReturn_Baseline.pdf (1.8 MB)

Hi Asad,

Please find attached file which is causing issue.


We checked your PDF document and looks like it does not have any form fields. We opened it with Adobe Reader and could not find any form fields in it. Can you please make sure that you use the code snippet with a PDF file that actually has AcroForm or xForm fileds in it?