Hi. I’m using Aspose.Slides for .NET for .NET framework 15.4.0
I’m trying to open a certain file (you can find it in the attachment section) and i’m getting the following exception:
–FormatExceptionIs there any way to avoid this? Thanks in advanceat □ .□(□ □, ChartDataWorkbook □)at System.Number.ParseDouble(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt)
at □ .□(□ [] □, ChartDataWorkbook □)
at □ .□(IChartData □, □ □)
at □ .□(IChart □, □ □, □ □)
at □ .□(IChart □, □ □, □ □)
at □ .□(IChart □, □ □, □ □, □ □)
at □ .□(IShapeCollection □, IChart □, □ □, □ □)
at □ .□(IShapeCollection □, □ □, □ □)
at □ .□(□ □, IGroupShape □, □ □)
at □ .□(IGroupShape □, □ □, □ □)
at □ .□(IBaseSlide □, □ □, □ □)
at □ .□(Slide □)
at □ .□(IPresentation □)
at □ .□(Presentation □, Stream □)
at Aspose.Slides.Presentation.□(Stream □)
at Aspose.Slides.Presentation.□(Stream □)