We are having issues with some of our existing Excel files that get corrupted or lose formatting after opening and resaving them with Aspose.Cells.
I have attached a sample .NET project that basically has these 3 lines of code and a sample input Excel file. The sample has been tested with the latest version of Aspose.Cells ( and still has the same formatting problem.
Dim wbook As New Aspose.Cells.Workbook
Please note, this has become a critical business issue in our application and we will greatly appreciate your quick response.
Svetlana Shelkova
Which tool do you use to create this file? We find the file is very strange. For example, there are two data records for Cell "A7". Anyways, we will look into this issue and provide a fix soon.
Thank you.
Thank you for the quick response.
Will you be able to first let us test the fix with our larger files that have more data before you publish it?
The file is produced by Business Objects reporting system. We have used Aspose.Cells 4.3 to open those files and everything seemed to work fine. Although some formats were missing but not as noticeable. But some larger files would get corrupted after opening and saving with Aspose.Cells 4.3. Those files would get “Unable to open file” error if reopened in MS Excel. Then we tried 4.5 and later versions and file corruption no longer occurred but formats were lost.
Yes, we think there is something wrong with the input files but as long as they open fine in MS Excel we can’t really complain to Business Objects.
Svetlana Shelkova
Please try the attached version.
Thank you.
Thank you for a quick turnaround. The initial test shows no more lost formats. But we need to test more of our reports processed by Aspose.Cells before we can sign off on this item.
My team is currently working with Aspose sales team on obtaining new license file as our subscription has expired last July. I will update this thread as soon as licensing is resolved and we do more thorough testing.
As a big THANK YOU I’d like to mention that we have evaluated a few more components available on a market that process Excel reports and none of them produce a good output for some complex files with many merged rows/columns even when those reports have been originally created by MS Excel. But Aspose.Cells had no issues with those files even before this fix. We understand that it’s expected to sometimes have issues with some files produced by an external reporting system since those systems could have produced incorrect files.
Aspose tools have been reliable components since we first bought them in 2005.
Svetlana Shelkova
The issues you have found earlier (filed as 8019) have been fixed in this update.
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