Hello team,
We are trying to insert Japanese text starting with English words (Citi Research) into a pdf at a specified position using TextStamp.
The text is getting inserted but there is line break getting added between Citi and Research.
Also text style and formatting looks slightly different when compared with English one.
The same piece of code works fine for English language with correct formatting getting applied.
We are using Aspose.PDF 24.3 version.
PFA the folder containing below :
JapanseTextIssue.zip (386.4 KB)
Input sample PDF : where we need to append Japanese disclosure under “See Appendix A-1 for Analyst Certification, Important Disclosures and Research Analyst Affiliations.”
LineBreakSample.jpg : highlighted line break issue and formatting style for Japanese language
English Language.jpg : No line break and correct formatting sample image for English language
TextstampCode.txt : sample code which we are using for appending the disclosure to pdf along with 2 fonts which we are using