Formatting WBS Information


We have used this API to work with different feilds of MPP files and its useful. I need a little help about following.

I have a project which contains tasks upto 3 levels. I want to open this project using Aspose.Tasks and configure the work break down structure such that it contains characters CRS and then 2 digits for first level (Course) separated by a hyphen, 2 digits for second level (Subject) separated by hyphen and alphabet character for third level Student. Please provide sample code to add this column and set the work break down structure as mentioned above. Refer screenshot what I want to achieve.

Thank you for sample code.What about MPP as I mentioned that we work on MPP files.


We have noted slight differences between WBS codes generated by the API & Microsoft Project when writing to an MPP file. We have logged this issue for further investigation by the Product team as TASKSNET-1792. We’ll update you once there is any further information or a fix version available in this regard.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as TASKSNET-1792) have been fixed in this update.

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