Formtext inside FieldIf After mail merge becomes a regular text

we have a lot of existing templates that uses a lot of formtext fields, there are some cases that it is conditional to show a mail merge variable or a form text field as a result.

the problem is that when the form text fields are inside a FieldIf, the result is treated as plain text even though it should have been a formtext, hence the functionality of the formtext is lost.

It is working correctly when it is not inside a fieldIf.

we are unlinking all fields at the end except for formtext fields. (24.9 KB)

@nre In your case form fields is inside IF field. As the displayed result IF field shows the text of the result, not the Form field from the field code. So it is expected that after unlinking field you see regular text value instead of form field.

hi @alexey.noskov is there a way to only unlink the field if instead and exclude when the formtexts?

Currently I already exclude all formfields(formtexts) during the unlink process, however it was unexpected for me that fieldifs unlink all of its children too including the ones already excluded (formtext)

@nre The form field exists only in the field code, it does not exist in the field result of IF field, so after unlinking there will be no form fields that are inside IF field code. You can see if explore the field structure:

When field is unlinked, it’s field code is removed and only field result remains. As you can see field code of IF field does not have any form fields, but only plain text.