Formular with empty parameter doesnt work properly


We are evaluating aspose Cells and having a problem with formel calculating.

OFFSET(B:B;C5;;65536-C5) will be accepted and calculated by ms office, but not by aspose.
instead if i use
OFFSET(B:B;C5;0;65536-C5), then aspose does the job perfectly.

Might there be a bug in empty parameters?

attachment is the sample xls.



Are you getting the results at runtime or save the workbook file with the formula. And which version of Aspose.Cells you are using?

Please try the attached version.

If the problem still persists with the formula, paste your sample code to show the issue here.

Thank you.

It’s a bug. We have put it on work list and will fix it soon.

thanx for the quick reply. FYI we did test it on Java 6.

Do you mean that you are using Aspose.Cells for Java?

yes, we are using aspose.Cells for Java.


Ok, we will figure out the OFFSET formula issue for java version soon.

Thank you.

This one works super! Thanx a lot.
If we purchase Aspose.Cells now, will this fix be included ? or the fix only comes in the next release?

If you purchase Aspose.Cells now, you can use this fix without any problem. Next public release will include this fix.

Thanx again for ur work!