Formulas not executing

We’re currently using Aspose.Cells version 23.10.0 accodring to NuGet.
I’m writting an API that needs to generate a speadsheet that contains some formulas. My code looks as below. However, whenever I open the spreadsheet, the formulas display as text rather than to be executed (See attached image).


  1. The “workbook.Save” bit was included to make sure that the issue is not something that was introduced on client side.
  2. I did confirm, stepping through the code, that the “cells.Formula” code was hit at the appropriate places.
  3. The bug only happens on formulas generated by ASPOSE. Formulas added manually in the file while in Excel functions as expected.
  4. I did check the Auto Calculate setting in Excel
  5. I’ve added the all the ASPOSE code I could find to force it to calculate, with no effect.

What am I missing?

public async Task<byte[]> DownloadDeviationReport([FromBody] DeviationReportInput input)
    List<Task> asyncCalls = new List<Task>();
    DeviationReportDTO deviationData = null;
    List<InvestmentProjectionItem> projection = null;
    List<RiskCategoryAllocationAdjustment> riskCategoryAllocationAdjustment = null;
    asyncCalls.Add(Task.Run(async () => {deviationData = (await GetDeviationReportData(input));}));
    asyncCalls.Add(Task.Run(async () => {riskCategoryAllocationAdjustment = (await GetRiskCategoryAllocationAdjustment(input.AccountID, input.SelectedEntities,null, input.AnalysisID, input.ReportDate, input.NonAccount)).ToList();}));
    await Task.WhenAll(asyncCalls.ToArray());

    var workbook = new Workbook();
    Aspose.Cells.Style cellStyleAccounting = CreateStyle(workbook, false, false, TextAlignmentType.Right, TextAlignmentType.Top, 9, FontUnderlineType.None, "###,###,###,###,###,##0", null);
    Aspose.Cells.Style cellStyleAccountingTotal = CreateStyle(workbook, false, true, TextAlignmentType.Right, TextAlignmentType.Top, 9, FontUnderlineType.None, "###,###,###,###,###,##0", null);
    Aspose.Cells.Style cellStylePercentage = CreateStyle(workbook, false, false, TextAlignmentType.Right, TextAlignmentType.Top, 9, FontUnderlineType.None, "##0.00 %", null);
    Aspose.Cells.Style cellStyleMainHeading = CreateStyle(workbook, false, true, TextAlignmentType.Center, TextAlignmentType.Top, 14, FontUnderlineType.None, "", null);
    Aspose.Cells.Style cellStyleClientHeading = CreateStyle(workbook, false, true, TextAlignmentType.Left, TextAlignmentType.Top, 11, FontUnderlineType.None, "", null);
    Aspose.Cells.Style cellStyleHeading = CreateStyle(workbook, true, true, TextAlignmentType.Left, TextAlignmentType.Top, 9, FontUnderlineType.None, "", Color.LightGray);
    Aspose.Cells.Style cellStyleText = CreateStyle(workbook, false, false, TextAlignmentType.Left, TextAlignmentType.Top, 9, FontUnderlineType.None, "", null);
    Aspose.Cells.Style cellStyleColumnHeading = CreateStyle(workbook, true, true, TextAlignmentType.Left, TextAlignmentType.Top, 9, FontUnderlineType.None, "", Color.LightGray, true);
    Aspose.Cells.Style cellStyleDate = CreateStyle(workbook, false, false, TextAlignmentType.Left, TextAlignmentType.Top, 9, FontUnderlineType.None, "yyyy-mm-dd", null);

    int row = 0;
    int totalRow= 0;
    Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add("Deviation Report");
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 0, cellStyleMainHeading, "Deviation Report");

    //data_risk_categories -> FinancialPlanning/GetRiskCategoryAllocationAdjustment
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 0, cellStyleHeading, "Category");
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 1, cellStyleHeading, "Term (Yrs) Houseview");
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 2, cellStyleHeading, "Term (Yrs) Applied");
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 3, cellStyleHeading, "Adjusted Amount");

    decimal appliedAmountTotal = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < riskCategoryAllocationAdjustment.Count; i++)
        CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 0, cellStyleText, riskCategoryAllocationAdjustment[i].RiskCategory);
        CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 1, cellStyleText, riskCategoryAllocationAdjustment[i].Term == -1 ? 100 : riskCategoryAllocationAdjustment[i].Term);
        CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 2, cellStyleText, riskCategoryAllocationAdjustment[i].AdjustmentTerm);
        CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 3, cellStyleAccounting, riskCategoryAllocationAdjustment[i].AdjustmentAmount);
        appliedAmountTotal = appliedAmountTotal + (decimal)(riskCategoryAllocationAdjustment[i].AdjustmentAmount != null ? riskCategoryAllocationAdjustment[i].AdjustmentAmount : 0);
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 3, cellStyleAccountingTotal, appliedAmountTotal);
    totalRow = row;
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 1, cellStyleHeading, "Asset Category/Fund");
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 2, cellStyleHeading, "Current");
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 3, cellStyleHeading, "Target");
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 4, cellStyleHeading, "Deviation Amount");
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 5, cellStyleHeading, "Deviation %");
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 6, cellStyleHeading, "New Allocation");
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 7, cellStyleHeading, "New Deviation Amount");
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 8, cellStyleHeading, "New Deviation %");
    List<DeviationReportAsset> deviations = deviationData.DeviationReportAssets;

    for (int i = 0; i < deviations.Count; i++)
        CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 0, cellStyleText, deviations[i].InHouseview == false ? "Out of houseview" : Math.Abs(deviations[i].DeviationPc) >= 10 ? "10% Deviation" : "");
        CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 1, cellStyleText, deviations[i].AssetCategory);
        CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 2, cellStyleAccounting, deviations[i].CurrentAmount);
        CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 3, cellStyleAccounting, deviations[i].TargetAmount);
        CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 4, cellStyleAccounting, deviations[i].DeviationAmount);
        CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 5, cellStylePercentage, deviations[i].DeviationPc / 100);
        CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 6, cellStyleAccounting, (decimal)0);
        CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 7, cellStyleAccounting, "=G" + (row + 1) + "-D" + (row + 1));
        CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 8, cellStylePercentage, "=H" + (row + 1) + "/D" + (totalRow +1));

        CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 0, cellStyleText, deviationData[i].RiskCategory);
        CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 1, cellStyleText, riskCategoryAllocationAdjustment[i].Term == -1 ? 100 : riskCategoryAllocationAdjustment[i].Term);
        CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 2, cellStyleText, riskCategoryAllocationAdjustment[i].AdjustmentTerm);
        CellSetValue(ref sheet, row, 3, cellStyleAccounting, riskCategoryAllocationAdjustment[i].AdjustmentAmount);
        appliedAmountTotal = appliedAmountTotal + (decimal)(riskCategoryAllocationAdjustment[i].AdjustmentAmount != null ? riskCategoryAllocationAdjustment[i].AdjustmentAmount : 0);

    sheet.PageSetup.Orientation = PageOrientationType.Landscape;
    sheet.PageSetup.FitToPagesWide = 1;
    sheet.PageSetup.FitToPagesTall = 0;

    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row + 0, 20, cellStyleAccounting, "cellStyleAccounting");
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row + 1, 20, cellStyleAccountingTotal, "cellStyleAccountingTotal");
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row + 2, 20, cellStyleMainHeading, "cellStyleMainHeading");
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row + 3, 20, cellStyleClientHeading, "cellStyleClientHeading");
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row + 4, 20, cellStyleHeading, "cellStyleHeading");
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row + 5, 20, cellStyleText, "cellStyleText");
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row + 6, 20, cellStyleColumnHeading, "cellStyleColumnHeading");
    CellSetValue(ref sheet, row + 7, 20, cellStyleDate, "cellStyleDate");

    CalculationOptions options = new CalculationOptions();
    workbook.Settings.FormulaSettings.CalculationId = "";
    workbook.Settings.FormulaSettings.CalculateOnOpen = true;
    workbook.Settings.FormulaSettings.ForceFullCalculation = true;
    workbook.Save(@"C:\For Attachment\Test.xlsx", SaveFormat.Xlsx);
    return WorkbookToByteArray(workbook);

private void CellSetValue(ref Worksheet sheet, int row, int column, Aspose.Cells.Style style, object value)
    Cell cell = sheet.Cells[row, column];
    if (value.GetType() == typeof(String) && value.ToString().StartsWith("="))
        cell.Formula = value.ToString();

TestXlsx.png (76.5 KB)

Nevermind! ChatGPT showed me that it is an ID 10 T error.

The problem was the second “cell.PutValue(value);” after the if statment.


Yes, the second cell.PutValue(value); statement will insert everything as value and override your inserted formulas. We are happy that you have sorted out your issue now. Please feel free to contact us any time if you have further queries or issues; we will be happy to assist you soon.