Formulas with ImportCustomObjects

There are two methods for ImportCustomObjects the first one takes in
ImportTableOptions that will tell the spreadsheet which columns are formulas.

public int ImportCustomObjects(ICollection list, int firstRow, int firstColumn, ImportTableOptions options;

How do I implement that for the second method that doesn’t take ImportTableOptions as a parameter?

public int ImportCustomObjects(ICollection list, string[] propertyNames, bool isPropertyNameShown, int firstRow, int firstColumn, int rowNumber, bool insertRows, string dateFormatString, bool convertStringToNumber);

how do I tell the method which columns are formulas?


For your case, you should use first overload for the task. For second overload, there is no such feasibility as there is no ImportTableOptions (as parameter) for the purpose.

But then how do I limit the number of properties in the first method. For example I have 10 properties in the first. And I only want 5 properties in my spreadsheet.


I think you may try to set your desired attributes using their indexed positions with ColumnIndexes of ImportTableOptions accordingly.