FreezePanes() disables vertical scrolling


I'm using Aspose.Cells .NET2.0)

The problem happens when FreezePanes() is used.
I can't scroll vertically the Excel Sheet.

There shouldn't be the problem in old version.
You were fixing this problem.
<A href="</A></P> <P>However, latest version have this problem.</P> <P>The minimum code is below<BR>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR> protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)<BR> {<BR> Workbook workbook = new Workbook();<BR> string FilePath = "C:\\AsposeTest\\TEST.xls";

Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

worksheet.FreezePanes(3, 3, 3, 3);

workbook.Save("RESULT.xls", FileFormatType.Default, SaveType.OpenInExcel, Response);

Please investigate.

Thank you.

Thanks for your report. It seems a regression bug. We will give you a fix tomorrow.


Please try this fix.


Thank you for your quick help.
I tested the fix, and I confirmed the problem was fixed.

Thank you