When I create hundreds of nodes using a frustum mesh, my STL file has non-manifold areas. I used Meshmixer by Autodesk to repair them, and some of the features of my object disappeared. When it’s finished there are 5 areas that cannot be repaired.
I have pasted some of the code below, the rest is in a private repository on GitHub. I will add collaborators on the repository by request.
The input json file and the resulting STL file are attached.
MandelbrotFrustum.zip (232.4 KB)
Several days ago I generated an STL file using a similar method, and there were no errors in the STL file. Why when I repeat the process hundreds of times are so many areas non-manifold in the STL file? How do I save the STL with all my features and with no non-manifold areas?
// <summary>
/// Generate a Frustum mesh. Base is 2.5 x 2.5 top is 1 x 1 height is 1.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>mesh</returns>
internal static Mesh GenerateFrustumMesh()
var near = -1;
var nx = 0.5;
var ny = 0.5;
var far = 0;
var fx = 1.25;
var fy = 1.25;
var mesh = new Mesh();
//control points of near plane corners
mesh.ControlPoints.Add(new Vector4(nx, ny, near));
mesh.ControlPoints.Add(new Vector4(-nx, ny, near));
mesh.ControlPoints.Add(new Vector4(-nx, -ny, near));
mesh.ControlPoints.Add(new Vector4(nx, -ny, near));
//control points of far plane corners
mesh.ControlPoints.Add(new Vector4(fx, fy, far));
mesh.ControlPoints.Add(new Vector4(-fx, fy, far));
mesh.ControlPoints.Add(new Vector4(-fx, -fy, far));
mesh.ControlPoints.Add(new Vector4(fx, -fy, far));
mesh.CreatePolygon(0, 1, 2, 3);//near plane
mesh.CreatePolygon(4, 5, 6, 7);//far plane
mesh.CreatePolygon(0, 4, 5, 1);//top plane
mesh.CreatePolygon(3, 2, 6, 7);//bottom plane
mesh.CreatePolygon(1, 5, 6, 2);//left plane
mesh.CreatePolygon(0, 3, 7, 4);//right plane
return mesh;
var scene = new Scene();
var box = new Box();
var cutterDimensions = new SizeD(60.0, 50.0);
var cutterMargin = new SizeD(3, 3);
// "cutter" base
var tr = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode(box).Transform;
tr.Scale = new Vector3(cutterDimensions.Width, cutterDimensions.Height, 6);
// fits in holder slot
tr = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode(box).Transform;
tr.Scale = new Vector3(cutterDimensions.Width, 2, 2);
var objZ = 6 / -2.0 + 2 / 2.0;
tr.Translation = new Vector3(0, (cutterDimensions.Height / 2.0) + 1, objZ);
// fits in holder slot
tr = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode(box).Transform;
tr.Scale = new Vector3(cutterDimensions.Width, 2, 2);
tr.Translation = new Vector3(0, (cutterDimensions.Height / -2.0) - 1, objZ);
// mandelbrot design base
tr = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode(box).Transform;
tr.Scale = new Vector3(cutterDimensions.Width + cutterMargin.Width, cutterDimensions.Height + cutterMargin.Height, 2);
tr.Translation = new Vector3(0, 0, 4);
var initialX = ((cutterDimensions.Width + cutterMargin.Width) / -2.0) + (_request.PinDimension / 2.0) + (cutterMargin.Width / 2.0);
var designZBase = 6 / 2.0 + 2 / 2.0 + 2 / 2.0;
var x = initialX;
var y = ((cutterDimensions.Height + cutterMargin.Height) / -2.0) + (_request.PinDimension / 2.0) + (cutterMargin.Height / 2.0);
var frustumMesh = Helper.GenerateFrustumMesh();
var fid = 0;
foreach (var row in _request.PointIterations)
foreach (var i in row)
var node = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode($"frustum{fid++}", frustumMesh);
tr = node.Transform;
var z = (_scaleM * i) + _scaleB;
tr.Scale = new Vector3(_request.PinDimension, _request.PinDimension, z);
tr.Translation = new Vector3(x, y, designZBase);
tr.Rotation = Quaternion.FromEulerAngle(Math.PI, 0, 0);
x += _request.PinDimension;
x = initialX;
y += _request.PinDimension;
var outputPath = Helper.GetOutputPath(_inputPath, ".stl");
scene.Save(outputPath, FileFormat.STLASCII);