FTP Download - Hangs

ftpClient.ResumeDownload(remotePath, localPath, fi.Length);

even the download hangs downloads only 257KB for files and hangs of ever

System hangs here for ever - I works okay for a small text file - but it doesn't like MSI , zip or exe

any suggestions?


This is due to the trial version of Aspose.Network that file download/upload of size less than 256 kb is allowed. I just tested downloading a rar file of size greater than 1 mb with a trial version, the application hanged. Ideally, it should just download 256 kb piece and return from the method. But testing the same file after setting a license worked well. It downloaded the whole file correctly without hanging.

You may get a fully functional trial license by following the instructions at http://www.aspose.com/corporate/purchase/temporary-license.aspx.

Yep - you are correct the restriction message popped up after 1/2 hour

I bought the full version and I 'am all set now