Fuzzy matching among words using Aspose.cells JAVA

Is there an option using Aspose to do a fuzzy matching? Basically I have an excel sheet that contains 2 columns with around 500-1000 entries each.

Now both contain names of users but in different formats so how can that be matched.

Attaching a sample excel with desired output.Fuzzy Matching.zip (7.1 KB)

You can use FindOptions to achieve fuzzy matching. We can support Microsoft’s simple fuzzy matching such as *,?; You can also set IsRegex and use regular expressions for complex matching.
Please refer to the documentation:

Thanks for your response. This is just finding the first instance of a single keyword but not actually doing fuzzy matching.

If my name is Alisa Smith, and I search with “Smith Alisa” in FindOptions, it fails.

Can you check my attached excel and help if that kind of result can be obtained.

If you want to find ‘Alisa Smith’ through ‘Smith Alisa’, We currently do not support this type of fuzzy lookup, MS-Excel cannot complete the matching either.
Would you like to provide your sample code? We will check it soon.