General product questions

Hi, I’ve got a couple of general technical questions about the product and sales folks directed me here. Hope this is the right place to ask.

  • Can you confirm that GridJs (the client-side viewer) is included with any Aspose.Cells purchase?
  • Would we have access to the unobfuscated javascript source code for GridJs? (We may want to modify it ourselves, to add application-specific functionality)
  • Is there any functional difference between Aspose.Cells for Java and Aspose.Cells for .NET? We have no strong preference between java and .net and would like to know if one of them is somehow better or more complete.
  • Can Aspose.Cells (& GridJs) run completely off the public internet? In particular, since we’d need to supply licence information, would it need to call Aspose servers to validate that licence?

Yes, it is included into the release archive of Aspose.Cells for .NET. Aspose.Cells.GridJs.Dll is there in the “\netstandard2.0” sub-folder @ your installation directory.

You may download the source code @ github repos. here

There is no significant difference regarding features or functionality whether you use Aspose.Cells for .NET or Aspose.Cells for Java, both are same. The Java version is ported from .NET codebase.

Yes, the SDKs are offline. However, if you use metered licensing (this is optional), your API usage is recorded locally and regularly reported back to our servers, so you would be billed monthly for what you use.

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Thanks for the information Amjad!

Re: source code for the client-side viewer, I followed the link you posted and found it here. However, the file is still minified. And given that you folks have modified x-spreadsheet extensively from its original open source version, we can’t just get that one.

So, if we bought a licence, would we also get the un-minified code for the client-side viewer (i.e. the Aspose’s version of x-spreadsheet)?

Hope that makes sense!


We will get back to you soon on it.

We publish GridJs client js at npmjs ,below is the link:

the latest version is v23.4
currently it is minified.
If you want any new features or meet any issues.
Please contact us ,we will evaluate and always help you.

We’re looking right now at customising the client-side viewer, we’ll follow up if there are any specific issues/requests.

I want to come back to one of the previous questions. You mentioned before that both java and .net versions offer the same functionality. But looking at the code, it seems that backend classes needed to generate assets (json & images) for the client-side viewer only exist for .net. For example, the .net demo relies on GridJsWorkbook.GetJsonByUid, but GridJsWorkbook only exists in .net and not in java.

Is that correct? Does the client side viewer only work with the .net backend? Or is it possible to generate the same assets in java?

yes,currently GridJs serverside only have .net version.
we will support java version soon . then it will also work in java.
may be in next release,may be a little later.
in our development plan .it is already in schedule.