General question on the grid


by advance, excuse me if I am not in the right place ;).

We are currently looking for an Excel grid control/control set for a pretty big projet.

Our customer is migrating one of its core application to, and wants to have a grid with the following abilities :

- To hold the load for recordings of several thousands of lines
- To be able copy/paste one or more lines/cells from/to Excel
- To filter data(=> for example displaying data of a column starting with A) and to have the possibility of memorizing them via a profile.
- To sort the columns
- To search/repleace some data in the grid (like the search/replace function of Excel)
- To freeze some columns (By ex the 1st column is used as reference, and must always be visible).
- To mask/unmask a column
- To move the columns (Drag & drop)
- To resize the size of a column (idem Excel cursor)
- To put the cells in editable or read/only mode
- To make a recording of all the grid, (only one button to record, not recording line by line)
- To add/remove lines directly in the grid
- To have the following types of columns:
LIST: X |&| y
- To have a scrollbar (both horizontal and vertical).
- To have a functionality allowing to go to the last/first line, to move line by line using buttons such as >>
- To be able to differentiate the lines via codes colors (By ex all the lines whose column X contains a specific value have a green background)
- To display via a meter the number of line (for eaxmple, if I have 500 lines and I select the n°10 the meter indicates 10/500).

Finally, the grid must be printable.

Your grid seems to cover most of what the customer wants, but we really need to make sure that the functionalities are implemented and stables (we had a bad experience recently with a 3rd party editor whose controls were buggy, and didn’t offered all the features he claimed on his website).

Can you confirm in the list which of those features are actually covered by your components (and can you indicate us an order of complexity) ?

Do you have a one-in-all demo presenting those features ?

We need these infos pretty fast, as we need to present a prototype to the customer as soon as possible.

Best Regards


Hi Philippe,

Thanks for considering Aspose.

I think Aspose.Grid.Web fulfills most of your requirments. I can confirm some of those as the rest ones will be confirmed by our main developer.

- To hold the load for recordings of several thousands of lines

Yes, you may manipulate thousands of records and save them in an excel file.

- To be able copy/paste one or more lines/cells from/to Excel
Yes you do manually using code and visually using righ_click menu of the grid.

- To filter data(=> for example displaying data of a column starting with A) and to have the possibility of memorizing them via a profile.

Well, Autofilter feature will be available in April.

- To sort the columns
Yes, the component support sorting of the columns, Please check relevant demo.

- To search/repleace some data in the grid (like the search/replace function of Excel)
Yes, you may try the options in its context menu.

- To freeze some columns (By ex the 1st column is used as reference, and must always be visible).
Yes, the control do support freezing panes, Please check the online demos.

- To mask/unmask a column
Yes, Please check relevant demo.

- To resize the size of a column (idem Excel cursor)

Yes, you can do as you do in MS Excel.

- To put the cells in editable or read/only mode
Yes, you may utilize read-only, editable, seesionless, session mode, Please check relevant demo.

- To make a recording of all the grid, (only one button to record, not recording line by line)
Yes, you may try to use grid's "Save" icon.

- To add/remove lines directly in the grid

Yes, you may try to use "Delete Row" / "Delete Column" options of the context menu of the grid.

- To have the following types of columns:
LIST: X |&| y

Yes, you can insert every type of data (excluding HTML), Please check relevant demo.

- To have a scrollbar (both horizontal and vertical).
Yes, you can have scrollbars

- To have a functionality allowing to go to the last/first line, to move line by line using buttons such as >>
Yes, you can navigate using arrows as well. I am not sure with....allowing to go to the last/first line.

Do you have a one-in-all demo presenting those features ?

No, you have to use different demos for your need and check the functionality. Aspose.Grid Demos

and you may also check our Wiki docs of the grid: Aspose.Grid

Kindly let us know if you need some more information, We will be happy to response you.

Thank you.


thank you for your answer.

I downloaded the grid installer, and started working on it…for a short while…

I currently have an issue with the grid, concerning the menu and behavior of the grid.

I had a look in the generated code, it seems I am missing some files (both in my current solution and the demo solutions). There is a commonbehav and a menu file (.js for firefox, .htc for IE) that can’t be found by the website.

I tried to trick the program by taking the js files from the aspose website. I don’t think this is the way to do things…but seems that it works, at least for the common behav file. For the menu, I am still struggling with the code to make it pop…

Can you help me on finding what went wrong ?

Best regards


Hi Philippe,

Well, Aspose.Grid msi installer installs Aspose.Grid.Web and Aspose.Grid.Desktop controls without any problem on windows platform or so. Which version are using to install on your system. Could you tell us which menu files are missing (.js, htc or else.). I am sending some menu files you may copy them to ...\Aspose\Aspose.Grid\agw_client folder and check whether everything is ok. If the problem still persists, could you elaborate your issue and give us more details about your issue?

Thank you.

Hi Philippe,

Which os are you using? WinXP, win2003 or vista?

Which version of .net framework are you using, 1.x or 2.0?


I am using the .net framework 2.0, on windows xp SP 2, iis 5.1.

The files were already in the “C:\Program Files\Aspose\Aspose.Grid\agw_client” folder.

The issue is the following :

with firefox : errors popping every time I trigger the mouse-over event. the menu is not displayed on right click.
with ie : nothing happens.

In both cases, the browser tries to retrieve the menu and commonbehav files.

I trieto desinstall/reinstall the components, same problem.

Do you have any idea on what can be tried ?

Best regards


Hi Philippe,

Because of the time difference, it's 10PM in our place. Our developer will support you tomorrow for this issue. Thanks for your patience.


Please post the error messages with the firefox.

Thank you.


There are something you should pay attention to if you are using vs 2005. You'd better use the HTTP mode to create a website project. If you want to use FILE mode, you should add some config section to the web.config. And please note that it only works with a licensed control. Please read the following articles and posts:

Thank you for considering Aspose.


the project is already in http mode.

the errors are the following :

commonbehav is not defined
new commonbehav(document.getElementById(“GridWeb1”));

this.gobj has no properties
onmousemove(mousemove clientX=0, clientY=0)

with :
onmousemove="this.gobj.init(event); return this.gobj.OnMouseMove();"

And I have the same error, whether I use the samples or one of my projects

I will try on my home computer this evening.

If you have any leads on this issue, it would be really great…

Best regards


sorry, the grid is still not working, and I have another issue…

The customer we are working for has a databse containing more than 180 000 lines.

His current software (which is totally bugged, lacks critical functionalities and is not maintained anymore) can display at least 10 000 lines at a time.

I try to load this much data in the grid (with firefox, I foud a workaround to my problem, by including the commonbehav.js file in the aspx pag)…the data is correctly loaded, the grid is generated in less than 5 second on the server…but in takes more than 20 seconds to be rendered in firefox…

Is there a load on demand fonctionality available ?

Do I do something wrong (maybe using datasets + autogenerating columns is bad performance-wise…)

My boss has started hitting on my head lately, as they would like to show a prototype ASAP (and they already “sold” to the customer that it would be great to have an ASP application instead of a desktop one :frowning: )

Best regards



A grid with large amount data generates large HTML source, which will increase network triffic and the rendering time dramatically. To improve large amount data displaying performance, you may use the paging feature of the grid. Just set the grid's EnablePaging property to true, and set the PageSize property to a appropriate value.