Generate OMR Template with Images using JSON Markdown

Does anyone have a JSON example for generating an Aspose.OMR template for a test that mixes small images with text for the Questions and multiple choice Answers?
Is this possible with the Aspose.OMR API?
Thanks, Mike


Please check the following JSON Markdown example to generate OMR Template with images:

In case you are still unable to achieve your requirements, please share your expected output files so that we can investigate and share our feedback with you accordingly.

I am writing down all the OMR related templates with JSON Markdown -

String outputDirectory = “GenerationResult”;
String[] GenerationMarkups = new String[] { “Sheet.txt”, “Grid.txt”, “AsposeTest.txt” };
String[] GenerationMarkupsNoExt = new String[] { “Sheet”, “Grid”, “AsposeTest” };
OmrEngine engine = new OmrEngine();
for (int i = 0; i < GenerationMarkups.length; i++)
// call template generation providing path to the txt file with markup
GenerationResult res = engine.generateTemplate(GenerationMarkups[i]);
// check in case of errors
if (res.getErrorCode() != 0)
System.out.println("ERROR CODE: " + res.getErrorCode());
// save generation result: image and .omr template, GenerationMarkupsNoExt[i]);



String[] UserImages = new String[] { “Sheet1.jpg”, “Sheet2.jpg” };
String[] UserImagesNoExt = new String[] { “Sheet1”, “Sheet2” };
String outputDirectory = “Result”;
String templatePath = “Sheet.omr”;
// init engine and get template processor
OmrEngine engine = new OmrEngine();
TemplateProcessor templateProcessor = engine.getTemplateProcessor(templatePath);
System.out.println(“Template loaded.”);
// Set custom threshold to use in recalculation
// this value is in range (0 to 100)
// represents the percentage of required black pixels on bubble image to be recognized
// i.e. the lower the value - the less black pixels required for bubble to be counted as filled and vice versa
int CustomThreshold = 40;
// images loop
for (int i = 0; i < UserImages.length; i++)
String image = UserImages[i];
String imagePath = image;
System.out.println("Processing image: " + imagePath);
// recognize image
RecognitionResult result = templateProcessor.recognizeImage(imagePath);
// get export csv string
String stringRes = result.getCsv();
// save csv to output folder
String outputName = UserImagesNoExt[i] + “.csv”;
PrintWriter wr = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(outputName), true);
System.out.println("Export done. Path: " + outputName);
// recalculate recognition results with custom threshold
templateProcessor.recalculate(result, CustomThreshold);
// get export csv string
stringRes = result.getCsv();
// save recalculated results
outputName = UserImagesNoExt[i] + “_recalculated.csv”;
wr = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(outputName), true);
System.out.println("Recalculated result export done. Path: " + outputName);

Basically, I have to migrate this JSON on my project remote onboarding software and related things.


String[] UserImages = new String[] { “Sheet1.jpg”, “Sheet2.jpg” };
String[] UserImagesNoExt = new String[] { “Sheet1”, “Sheet2” };
String outputDirectory = “Result”;
String templatePath = “Sheet.omr”;
int customThreshold = 40;
// initialize engine and get template processor providing path to the .omr file
OmrEngine engine = new OmrEngine();
TemplateProcessor templateProcessor = engine.getTemplateProcessor(templatePath);
System.out.println(“Template loaded.”);
// images loop
for (int i = 0; i < UserImages.length; i++) {
// path to the image to be recognized
String imagePath = UserImages[i];
System.out.println("Processing image: " + imagePath);
// recognize image and receive result
RecognitionResult result = templateProcessor.recognizeImage(imagePath, customThreshold);
// export results as csv string
String csvResult = result.getCsv();
String json = result.getJson();
// save csv to the output folder
PrintWriter wr = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(UserImagesNoExt[i] + “.csv”), true);



String[] UserImages = new String[] { “Sheet1.jpg”, “Sheet2.jpg” };
String[] UserImagesNoExt = new String[] { “Sheet1”, “Sheet2” };
String outputDirectory = “Result”;
String templatePath = “Sheet.omr”;
// initialize engine and get template processor providing path to the .omr file
OmrEngine engine = new OmrEngine();
TemplateProcessor templateProcessor = engine.getTemplateProcessor(templatePath);
System.out.println(“Template loaded.”);
// images loop
for (int i = 0; i < UserImages.length; i++) {
// path to the image to be recognized
String imagePath = UserImages[i];
System.out.println("Processing image: " + imagePath);
// recognize image and receive result
RecognitionResult result = templateProcessor.recognizeImage(imagePath);
// export results as csv string
String csvResult = result.getCsv();
String json = result.getJson();
// save csv to the output folder
PrintWriter wr = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(UserImagesNoExt[i] + “.csv”), true);

Hope this code will help you proeprly.

This example is a big help for me to understand the capabilities. We have not purchased Aspose.OMR yet, but just evaluating for our project. Thanks so much.


Please keep evaluating the API and feel free to create a new topic in case you need further assistance.