Generate PDF for project Java

Hello ,

I need your help please for this bug that we found in our project java to generate PDF document :

A placeholder is set to CAPITALS by itself, even though the variable has changed to lowercase and in the template there is no style applied to the placeholder.

Could you help please !
Don’t hesitate if you need more informations about the issue !



Would you please explain a bit more by sharing your sample file and the code snippet that you are using? We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

Hello Ali ,

Thanks for your reply .
Will share with you some of codes that we uses to generate our pdf :
1st step :we get the template id ,then we pass it + fields inside the payload of the endpoint generate ({{url}}/documents/generate) , you can fin below the payload we use :
“templateId”: “{{templateId}}”,
“fields”: [
“fieldName”: “DOC_TITLE”,
“fieldValue”: “TEST”
“fieldValue”: “TEST”

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