Generate PDF from dynamic Google Map


One of my .net application, I am showing live Google map on one page(inside html
). Here my question is does Aspose provides any features like convert the page(the division section) into pdf file?
I have attached a image file that I am showing on my web application page(please ignore red marks).

If Aspose provide such features then please send me some code and Aspose example links.

Thanks in advance for you help.

Hi Kali Charan,

Thanks for contacting support.

Aspose.Pdf for .NET supports the conversion of HTML files into PDF format and it also supports the rendering of
tag but I am afraid it does not support the rendering of dynamic web page to PDF format. However you may first get an image from GoogleMap, place it inside HTML page and then try the rendering of HTML file to PDF using Aspose.Pdf for .NET. For further information, please visit How to convert HTML to PDF using InLineHTML approach

We are sorry for your inconvenience.