Generate PDF with CMYK image using Aspose.PDF for .NET

Can Aspose do Image color profile specification when generating PDF file?

e.g, from rgb to cmyk automatically cast?


Hi Raymond,

Thanks for your inquiry. I am afraid currently Aspose.Pdf doesn’t support specifying any image color profile during PDF generation. However, we have logged your requirement as a new feature request, PDFNEWNET-36165, in our issue tracking system. We will notify you via this forum thread as soon as it is implemented.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Best Regards,


We would like to share with you that you can please try converting PDF to PDF/X_1a format in order to convert images to CMYK colorspace. Please consider using following code snippet:

Export PDF in CMYK Colorspace

pdfDocument.Convert(dataDir+"CMYK_SVG.log", PdfFormat.PDF_X_1A, ConvertErrorAction.Delete);