Generate PDF417 barcode with specified rows using C#


We use Aspose (Version= to create a label in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
On this label we added a pdf417 barcode.
It’s necessarry to use 30 rows at least, so I added the option Rows = 30.

If I create a barcode, the pdf417 had always 25 rows.


lnetAsposeLicense := lnetAsposeLicense.License;

lnetBarcodeBuilder := lnetBarcodeBuilder.BarCodeBuilder;
lnetBarcodeBuilder.SymbologyType := lnetSymbology.Pdf417;
lnetBarcodeBuilder.CodeLocation := lnetCodeLocation.None;
lnetBarcodeBuilder.Pdf417ErrorLevel := lnetPDF417ErrorLevel.Level5;


ldecResolutionX := 100;//Adjust horizontal resolution in DPI, smaller value is a bigger module
ldecResolutionY := 100;//Adjust vertical resolution in DPI, smaller value is a bigger module
lnetResolution := lnetResolution.Resolution(ldecResolutionX, ldecResolutionY, lnetResolutionMode.Customized);//Printer);

IF lnetBarcodeBuilder.Rows < 30 THEN
lnetBarcodeBuilder.Rows := 30;


lnetBarcodeBuilder.CodeText := ptxtContent;


lnetBarcodeBuilder.Save(ptxtDestination, lnetImageFormat.Jpeg);//‘C:\Temp\Barcode_Output\Output.jpg’

Hi Rene,

Please test with the latest version (i.e. 7.8.0) and share your output image and code text you used if the problem persists. Please also note that if the rows' setting is not a legal value, it will be calculated automatically and your setting will not take effect.

Best Regards,

Hi Muhammad,

I tried the latest version 7.8.0. and I’ve got the same result.
I’ve set the parameter to 30. I believe it should be a correct value.
Best regards,

Hi Rene,

The issue has been logged into our issue tracking system as BARCODENET-36182. We will keep you updated on this issue in this thread.

Best Regards,

Hi Rene,

This issue has been fixed in Aspose.BarCode for .NET 8.0.0 which is expected to be released in the next week. You will be updated as soon as it is released.

Best Regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as BARCODENET-36182) have been fixed in this update.

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