Hi Team,
We are using our predefined msword template for processing some tasks. And I found during conversion of word document to HTML… Aspose API is going to add some extra .class in HTML which is not available in the template. Please find attached screenshot and word template.
Could you please confirm why it’s going to add extra CSS class?
And please confirm how Aspose api is going handled Linked style because in the case of
linked style it’s going to change the class name.
Like: Heading7 to Heading7Char etc.
query for extra css class.zip (191.3 KB)
Character styles contain formatting characteristics that can be applied to text, such as font name, size, color, bold, italic, underline, borders, and shading. Character styles do not include formatting that affects paragraph characteristics, such as line spacing, text alignment, indentation, and tab stops.
A paragraph style includes everything that a character style contains, but it also controls all aspects of a paragraph’s appearance, such as text alignment, tab stops, line spacing, and borders.
You are facing the expected behavior of Aspose.Words. The extra styles are character styles exported in the output document.
The Character and paragraph styles determine the look of most of the text in a document. Some styles work as both character and paragraph types, and these styles are known as linked styles.
These are the linked styles and exported as Heading7 to Heading7Char in output document.
Hope this answers your query. Please let us know if you have any more queries.